Chapter Fifty-Two: Setting the Foundation

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The moment we stepped off, the crowd erupted into cheers. We watched as footmen maintained the throngs to the sidelines as we made our way into the town center whilst flanked by guardsmen on either side as escort. Ash and I exchanged smiles and waves as we passed the citizens. Their energy was uplifting. My former hesitations dispersed with every proud cry that bolstered each step I took forward.

I was reminded of my purpose again.

Why I accepted the absurd, yet unexpectedly pleasant, marriage proposal all those months ago on that bleak morning.

This was more than worth the toil.

This was more than worth the wait.

This was worth the sacrifices.

Ash stepped upon the makeshift podium that consisted of crates. It would have to be removed later for the ball anyway. The squires quieted the crowd down. Ash opened his mouth, attempting to project his voice as far back as he could. I followed his gaze to the very edge of the crowds. This had to have been the largest gathering I witnessed in my lifetime. My eyes drifted to Sir William, who flanked the lower rungs in a circle so that Ash and I were shielded from all sides.

"For generations, there has been an unfortunate but obvious divide of classes in our kingdom. Such obstacles to social mobility, unrestricted exchange of ideas, and honorable business have held our kingdom back long enough. I have acknowledged the shortcomings of my father, who should have acknowledged the flaws of those who came before them rather than conforming to the corrupt system that preceded him."

The crowd erupted into deafening cheers before he could continue. I watched as he paused for a few moments, waiting for his voice to take command again.

"However... However, I must concede that this has not been an easy task and therefore can understand why it took change so long to befall our great kingdom. To keep Sedalia moving in the right direction, one that preaches progress, equal opportunity, and harmony above all else, I need one thing from all of you. Whether you belong to the most landed nobility in the entirety of this horizon or practice self-sustenance on a single dirt plot, each of you shares one thing in common: citizenship."

There was a thoughtful pause as his words sunk in.

"To be a citizen means to be a leader. Every one of you is as much a leader as I am. You don't need a podium or a crown to be able to think and make the right decisions, to practice fairness and utilitarianism. I would like each and every one of you today to take an oath. An oath that promises that you will practice good citizenship and instill the same values in the next generation. Our success lies in our future. Together, we can make that happen. Together, today, we will be taking that step forward with the construction of this library."

A chant rang through the crowds in waves of encouragement.

"Long live the King! Long live the King!"

The head mason handed Ash the first brick to start off construction. This corner brick would be a crucial part of the foundation. He turned to me and held the brick out.

"Your Queen will do the honors." He beamed at me.

I smiled, willing the tears to stay in. An indescribable surge of emotions ran through my existence as I placed that brick in place. The crowd's enthusiastic response only radiated more good energy.

This is what it felt like to live a dream.

I delicately placed the brick into its sturdy corner, wishing for a future with an equally strong foundation for success. The roars were deafening as the official construction work began.

Ash placed his arm around my shoulder as we joined the crowd and watched in wonder. There were no words to be spoken. We could feel the sense of accomplishment coursing through our veins.

This was true satisfaction.

Once the construction continued at a steady course, announcements were made in preparation of the kingdom's first public ball. My family, Adele, Aunt Claire and even Lady Arabella arrived in time for the start of the festivities.

This historic evening was only just starting.

Surviving His Royal Highnass, Prince AshtonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ