Chapter Twelve: The New Beginning

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Evelyn's POV

I looked on as the minister proceeded with the Coronation Ceremony. I felt excited because this momentous occasion marked the evolution of our relationship to an official status, bound by the duties of the kingdom. Being the Queen of Sedalia meant serving in court as an equal to the King. This scarce privilege of equality is one that I cannot tarnish, at any cost. I admit that it is a great responsibility, one that would actually scare many. But admittedly, I relished in it. I've always held strong opinions on the politics of this land and looked forward to sharing them with my fellow leaders.

Ash took my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze as the crowns were finally placed on top of our heads after the seemingly endless incantations of oaths. I felt the weight on my head in more ways than one. The bejeweled piece was a treat to the eyes, but a burden nonetheless. Ash then led me up the steps to the ornate thrones. The gilded wood was faded from age, despite their minimal use over the decades. We will hardly use them in the future, other than for highly publicized events a few times a year, with today's being an exception. I could only imagine how hectic our schedules would be after the ceremony. Once we were seated, a musical procession was held, followed by various entertaining acts - as per tradition. None of them could distract us from our thoughts of what awaited us afterwards. It all passed by in a few hours and an aide ushered us into the meeting room immediately after the final event.

There, seated in an orderly fashion, a council full of higher officials and noblemen surrounded a majestic mahogany table. Two distinct chairs awaited us at the head of the table, both of which we took. The Crown seated themselves after us.

An older man cleared his throat.

"Pardon the rush, your majesty. Normally, the new king has time to familiarize himself with the council and various matters of administration, but seeing the circumstances of your ascension, there are urgent matters to be taken care of as quickly as possible." He spoke with such distinction, the kind that only comes from decades of experience.

Ash merely nodded in understanding. I tried to ignore the fact that I wasn't addressed.

"Do not worry, we have already wasted much time over ceremony. I would like to proceed with these matters of urgency." He assured with a delicate but authoritarian voice.

Everyone nodded in affirmation. The royal secretary took this as his cue and began unraveling a long list of duties.

"The first matter deals with Canterbury and the death of his former majesty, the late King Gavin." He spoke clearly.

Ash turned rigid at the mention of his father's death. I gave him a knowing glance and gently took hold of his hand, which clenched into a tense fist, under the table.

"A Canterbury citizen has been confirmed to have indeed caused the death of the late king. However, the nation is unwilling to surrender the perpetrator to us for conviction and wish to trial the suspect on their own land, without our judgment." An elder gentleman at the table informed.

Another hit the table with his fist, "That's preposterous! It's their own citizen; of course, they'll be lenient with punishment when it comes to it. Those filthy Canterburians, or should I say barbarians, are the ones that started these border disputes which prompted that ill-fated visit in the first place. In our land, that murderer would receive a public death sentence! Beheaded in the square!"

"I understand the concern that resides in everyone's mind, but surely they'll still sentence that wretch to prison for life?" A noblewoman said from the other end of the table.

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