Chapter Thirty Two

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Iris was surprised -very surprised- that the general had not recognized that it was her in the picture. Even though she looked tremendously fragile in the image with her father, she hadn't known that she was completely unrecognizable. She narrowed her eyes, looking at the image. Her features were very much the exact same.

She looks a lot like you, Zayn had said. Something about the words made Iris's heart clench. How close had he been to finding her out?

She looked over at Zayn, who looked normal as he went about his morning. With a shake of her head, she looked away from him.

Iris shoved the picture back in her satchel, very thankful that General Zayn had not put the pieces together, even though she was surprised that he hadn't. From this point on, she vowed that she would be more careful. Gods, if Kayde had saw that the general had found her picture, she would've never heard the end of it. He would, no doubt, scold her for gods know how many hours. Knowing this, she let out a sigh. Thank the gods for small favors.

Everything in the camp was quiet now that all of the other men were gone. Iris waited patiently, stroking Gretchen's mane kindly while watching the general pace back and forth. She wanted to ask him what was wrong, but thought better of it. The less attention she brought to herself right now, the better.

Iris turned away from Zayn and pulled out her daggers. She figured she might as well get some more practice while she wasn't doing anything else. Maybe it would help to ease her nerves, as well. She went through several forms and tumbled about during the next few minutes, relishing the strength her limbs now possessed and the way her mind clouded over. She only stopped when she noticed the general staring at her.

"Is there something you need?" she asked after a moment's though, her hands dropping to her sides. He glanced down at them, as if he were surveying her weapons, and then his eyes moved back to her face. His expression was unreadable. Feeling uncomfortable, Iris began to sheathe her daggers. Please, gods, don't put it together, she thought.

Zayn held up a hand and shook his head. "Don't stop on my account," he told her, "You're just interesting to watch."

"Is that so?" she chuckled awkwardly, gut twisting in her stomach. "Well, alright then. Watch away."

"Mind if I join you?" he asked, with a sort of half-smile. Iris nodded, and gripped her blades tightly again.

"By all means."

He walked over towards her, and Iris couldn't help but notice that he left his sword sitting in its sheath by his horse. With a confused expression, she pointed it out to him. He nodded, but didn't go back for it. Instead, he pulled out a couple of daggers, adjusting his hands to the same hold that she was doing.

"I've done my best to train you, Ingred," he said somberly, "Yet you get the better of me when I'm using these. I'd actually like to turn the tables and learn a little from you." This made Iris widen her eyes in surprise. Of all the things General Zayn could have said to her, this was something she didn't expect.

"Huh?" she asked, astounded.

"There might be a circumstance where I might need them," he said. "We have time and nothing else to do until the others get back. What do you think?"

"Very well," Iris did her best not to stammer at his request, "I'll show you things I have learned."

General Zayn stepped up to the rogue with knives in hand. While he knew that it was probably for the best that he learn a secondary weapon in the case that he might be disarmed, it was not the main reason he had asked her to teach him. He asked simply because he was curious. This time, as she spoke and demonstrated her techniques, he would analyze her. Even though it was illegal in Eldia, he couldn't help but be intrigued by the prospect of a woman warrior. He wondered if he was crazy to want to observe her and her capabilities.

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