Chapter Sixty

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  • Dedicated to All of You!

A/N- Well, this is it guys. The final chapter. MAKE SURE TO CHECK OUT THAT SONG ON THE SIDE... it really sets the mood for this, I think. And before we begin, I really want to thank all of you for giving your time to my story. It means the world that so many of you were touched and enthralled by Iris's tale.

This was a two year journey for me to write... and I cannot believe it's over. I don't think I've ever felt as much emotion as I did writing the words "The End." I, too, am attached to the characters. They are my family. You guys are all incredible, and I hope to still see you after this... for this will not be the end of my writing.

Without further ado... here it is. The final chapter.

It had been awhile since Iris had seen Eda, but today... she would return home. Goodbyes had been hard. She would always miss the rest of the scouting group... she hoped she would see them again. She came in view with the outskirts of her town... and took a deep breath. With a side glance, she caught General Zayn looking at her.

"We're here," she said to everyone.

At her sides were Renna, Elliot, Kayde, and Zayn.

"Welcome home, Rogue Captain Gwenneth," the general said with a smile, "You deserve it."

At that, she met eyes with him and gave him a sort of smile. It hadn't been long that she'd held her new title, but the words sent a thrill in her. She'd earned the promotion she never thought possible. Placing a hand on Zayn's shoulder, she simply nodded at him in a sort of thank you.

"You do not have to call me that," she reminded him for what seemed to be the hundredth time in the past few days, "To you, I am always Iris."

"Of course you are. But it brings you joy," he pointed out, "Does it not?"

With a sigh, she ignored his question, because he was absolutely right. It did make her happy that she had finally become something. She was finally able to make her family proud, rather than bring them shame. She doubted now that anyone would remember what happened with Shad... not with the new development in herself.

Renna stared at the both of them with a broad grin.

"Everyone ready to enter Eda?" Kayde asked, stopping just outside.

In the past few days of his return, Iris could feel distance between them... one that she hadn't felt when they worked together. Kayde was withdrawn and mostly silent, mind for a few things. She saw the sadness that lingered under the surface of his green eyes. Even through all the cheer, she realized that there were some things she couldn't fix. Even still, she could tell he was doing his best to be around her... to support her. Her heart hurt.

"Let's go," she replied.

He smiled a little, even if it was forced, and motioned for the gate guard to open the gates. With a nod, the man did as told. Once they were open, the small group was met with a crowd. Everyone in Eda was standing at the gates, as if they were waiting on her arrival. She couldn't help but halt in place and look around.

Upon seeing her face, loud cheers erupted. The people that used to not even give her a second glance now rejoiced in her.

Slowly, they cleared a path for their horses to move through.

Iris, for a moment, wanted to leave them behind as they did to her for so many years. She wanted to go home and see the people who'd cared all along. But she didn't. After a moment of though, she leapt from her horse. Her boots hit the ground with a thud and she stood upright. She, instead of ducking away as she'd done so many times, held her chin high. With erect shoulders, she exhibited the badge she wore as the first woman captain of Eldia... and also the scar on her stomach.

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