Chapter Fifty

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The sun. That was what Iris watched now. From her window, she witnessed it fall behind the horizon, turning the day away and giving way to the moon. She sat there, oddly calm as she watched it. Her face seemed to accept that the sunset she just observed would likely be her last. In fact, she wore a small smile.

It was fitting, really... for her last memory to be of sundown, considering her first memory was the same. She was four then. A light laugh escaped her throat as she continued to stare at the sky, reminiscing on that day. She was sitting in her mother's lap, and the both of them were watching the sun go down together.

"Why does the sun go away, Mama? I like the sun the best," Iris asked, her small voice enunciating the words the best she could.

Irila smiled at her curious daughter.

"Ah, but there are some who prefer the moon. Why does the moon go away?" her mother posed another question, holding her daughter tightly.

Iris was quiet at this, seemingly in deep thought. Ilima knew that the small girl would not be able to answer. So... she continued speaking, her voice distant.

"Balance, my dear. That is why the sun goes away and the moon rises. I know you are little... but one day you'll understand that the world revolves around keeping things equal. That is why we don't live forever. And that is why we are all different from each other. That is why some people leave our lives. They leave room for someone better," she whispered.

"I don't want you to ever leave, Mama. You're not going to leave, are you?" Iris asked, touching her mother's cheek.

"I will never leave you, Iris. Even when life gives way to death, I will be with you. In every step you take, I will be there. Never forget this."

"Never. But do you really have to die, Mama?"

Irila laughed again.

"I am not going anywhere right now, sweetheart. Don't you worry. I'll stay here with you. And I won't die --not if you don't let me."

"How do I do that?"

"You remember me. Always."

"But Mama, what if someone messes up?" she paused, her small brow dented in confusion, "What if someone does something wrong? What if someone messes up and stops the balance? What will happen then?" she finished her question, and stared deep into her mother's eyes for the answer.

"Simple," her mother kissed her forehead, "That person changes things forever."

"You know," Iris said after a quiet minute, "I think that I like the moon the best now."

"Oh really?" Irila raised a brow, amused, "Why do you like the moon the best now? I thought you liked the sun the best?"

"I did," Iris smiled, "But now I don't. Because I'm not s'posed to like the moon the best. That's why I like it. Because I made a change. And now... forever and ever and ever is changed. All because of me. Right, Mama?" she asked.

Irila chuckled at her daughter and pulled her in for a hug.

"Not yet, sweetheart. Not yet. But things will change, you just wait."

"So I haven't changed forever and ever yet?" Iris pouted, disappointed now in her decision to 'like the moon the best'.

"Not yet. But I'm betting that one day... you will."

Fearless (A Mulan Retelling)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora