Chapter Forty Two

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One week later:

Erodyne sat calmly in his throne as his messenger, Darris, once again stood in his presence. The messenger, however, was not very calm at all. In fact, he was very anxious. It was not good news he bore. With a slight shaking of his hands, he took a bow at the Tokenmaster's feet, and began to speak.

"Erodyne," he paused, the name still felt weird on his lips, "Sir, I have another report for you, if you would hear it?"

"I see, my dear friend. Why is it that you're so nervous?" the Tokenmaster smiled, "You shake like a leaf. I would hear your report gladly, whether it be good or otherwise." As he said it, Erodyne stood from his seat and helped Darris to his feet. Darris still shook slightly, hoping that the news would not send Erodyne into a frenzy.

"It is ill new I harbor," Darris said quietly.

"Well, speak it for me then."

"The assault parties you sent out to the towns of Eda and Chroma, they both failed. There were soldiers there already guarding Eda, as if an attack was expected. And Chroma, well... no one knows what happened there. The villagers went crazy and fought back. It is reported that they were joined by a few Eldian soldiers, but no one knows who. No Token that was sent to Chroma lived to give a description of them."

"That is disheartening," Erodyne said with a light voice, "Hmm, it is very interesting that villagers would attack trained soldiers. Not to mention win against them. Good for them."

Darris did not expect the Tokenmaster to be so good-natured about it. Now he spoke with more comfort. "Also... the Eldians have nearly won the battle at Krenshai. A lot of our soldiers lay dead at their hands."

"Ah," Erodyne replied, a tranquil smile still present on his face, "Very well. I will send out the rest of my troops, now. Hopefully these will fare better than my last. I expect them to, for they are all better trained than the others. Not to mention, there is nothing more deadly than a broken spirit."

"I see."

"Is there any other news that you have to tell me?"

"Not that I can think of, Sir Erodyne. There are a few men outside that came back from Eda. They will be able to tell you more than I what happened there," Darris said, "And... they brought a gift for you, I should think."

"Ah," now the Tokenmaster looked very pleased, "How very polite of them. Go out to them and tell them that they may come in. I await their presence."

Darris simply nodded and ran out.

Two minutes later, one of the few men came into the room. His pace was brisk and his face stern as he marched up to the Tokenmaster. When he reached Erodyne, he dipped into a quick bow of respect. He only held it for a few seconds before standing upright, looking directly into his master's eyes.

"Ah, it is nice to see you, Captain Regis," Erodyne said delightedly, "It has been quite a while since we last parlayed. I hear you have some news for me."


"I assume it is about what happened in Eda. Am I correct?" Erodyne asked, shifting in his seat, and filling a nearby goblet full of some sort of dark liquid, "Do you know more about why the attack failed, Captain. I heard a group of soldiers slayed the men that I sent to Chroma... but that's it."

"Yes. I'm afraid that is what happened with Eda as well. There were soldiers sent there to protect the village. And there were a great many of them. As if they knew that we were coming. Sir Erodyne, how could they have known that we were coming? Do we have traitors in our midst, or was it just a lucky guess?" he finished his statement with a question. Erodyne's eyed narrowed for a few moments... and he mulled over the information he had just received. The captain waited.

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