[Letter 2]

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Dear Sebastian Stan,

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Dear Sebastian Stan,

Hello again Sebastian, I guess I made it to letter two huh? Let me tell you how my crush formed on you. I had watched Captain America: The First Avenger about a thousand times obsessing over Chris Evans in his suit when Bucky caught my eye. It was that scene where he was fighting with Steve right before he went dancing with the two girls. I have no idea why it kicked started my obsession, it just did.

After that time watching it, I watched it once more and fell in love with your baby blues. After that, I wasn't #teamcaptian I was #teambucky. I sobbed when Bucky fell off the train. My sister told me I was an idiot and a loser for sobbing over a fictional character. She went and told everyone about it making me the laughing stock of my school. After that, I kept it hidden. I only watched them when I was home or in my dorm alone.

I became someone I wasn't and now I am becoming myself all over again. I express myself in my writing. These letters are letting me express all of my bottled up emotions that I wasn't allowed to show anymore. These letters are letting me express three year's worth of emotion. Some might be long, some might be short. We will see huh?


Mystery Girl.

Fangirl | SEBASTIAN STAN [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now