[28 - Real Life]

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Dotty brought in her sister's check list for the party tonight. It was the 'I-am-getting-married' party where she was going to rub it in everyone's faces that she was going to marry Sebastian Stan. She walked into the room to see her sister pouring the liquid into cups. Trish looked up and a mischievous smile formed on her lips when she saw her sister standing there. 

"Today marks two years since he had passed, hasn't it?" she asked her sister not really sorry at all. She knew more than her sister thought she did.

Dotty cleared her throat not wanting to talk about it. It still was an open wound. "Yes, um we still need to prepare the food and call in the cake," she reminded her sister trying to get the conversation back to the wedding. She didn't want to talk about Andrew. She just wanted to get tonight over with and cry in her bed. Trish set the ladle down and walked over to her sister grabbing the check-list from her hand and putting it down on the table beside her.

"You don't want to know where he was driving that night he crashed?" she asked her sister making tears spring up to her eyes. Why was she bringing this up? Yeah, the anniversary was today, but that doesn't mean she can talk about this.

Dotty wiped away the few tears with the back of her hand and sniffled. "He was trying to find me. We knew that," she cried out. Andrew and she had got into a huge fight that night about how they barely saw each other. They screamed and she stormed out and he ran after her. Everyone knew that.

Trish moved some of her younger sisters hair out of her face and fake pouted. "He wasn't looking for you. He was on his way to my apartment," she informed her with a devilish smirk. It had felt like she had been punched in the gut.


Her voice came out small as the endless stream of tears flew down her puffy red cheeks. Trish pulled out her phone and clicked on the voicemail that she has been saving for this moment. Dotty left out a hiccup-sob when she heard her ex-fiances voice come from the phone in her sister's hand.

"Trish? I am on my way over. Dotty and I got into a fight and I think that it is finally over between us. I love you, Trish. I am so happy that you convinced me to cheat on your sister with you. I just - ill be over soon ba-"

The rest of his voicemail was cut off by the sound of the car crashing making Dotty lift her hand to her mouth. Her own sister convinced her fiancé to cheat on her. They had been together since freshman year of highschool. "How long had it been going on?" she asked once she finally got her voice back.

"A year and a half."

Dotty was going to puke. This was the worst thing she ever had heard in her life. "Why are you telling me this now? I haven't done anything to you!" she shouted wishing that she never heard that voicemail. "Did you know I was pregnant with his child?" she asked as her hand subconsciously went to her stomach that held a child all those years ago.

Trish didn't look like any of this information was bothering her. "Yeah, I knew. Did it matter to me? No," she commented making Dotty scoff in disbelief. "I am telling you this because you are getting too close to my fiancé. It needs to stop," she hissed stepping closer to her sister.

Dotty gave her sister a look of rage. One that has never ever crossed her face before. "You fucked my fiancé while I was pregnant with his child, but yet when I am even friends with yours because you ask me to hang out with him so you can go be a whore, I am the bad person?" she asked making her sister gasp. Trish had never heard her sister call her that before. "You know what, whatever have fun to try and get someone else to cover your ass because I am done."

Dotty grabbed her purse and went to leave when her sister grabber her bicep to stop her. "Wait a second -" she was cut off by Dotty punching her square in the face making her stumble back into the table with the punch. She lost her balance and fell onto the table getting soaked with the punch.

"Don't ever fucking touch me again. I lost my baby because of the emotional stress that his death put on me and it was all your fault. We are not sisters, not anymore."

Lane walked into the room where he heard a big crash. He was munching on some Oreos as Harry played with Freddie in the other room. "What is going -" he paused when he saw his youngest sister with tear marks on her face standing in the middle of the room and his other sister on the floor soaked in punch.

"What just happened?"

His question went unanswered as Dotty flew out of the room and Trish got up and stomped to her room to change before the party tonight. One thing is for sure, Dotty was not invited to the wedding anymore.

Fangirl | SEBASTIAN STAN [1] ✓Where stories live. Discover now