[32 - Real Life]

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Sebastian had no idea what to expect when he went to Trish's house. Chris and Anthony drove him there because 'if she pisses you off we don't want your stupid ass to get into a car accident in rage' according to Anthony. "Wish me luck," he mumbled getting out of the car. Why not their apartment? Why here where her parents and sister lives? It just doesn't make sense.

"Good luck with the she-devil."

Sebastian gave a haughty laugh to Anthony's words before he finally got out of the car. His eyes went instantly to the driveway to see if Dotty was home. He wasn't going to lie to himself about his feelings anymore. He definitely felt something for her, but he was marrying Trish so he was going to keep those feelings to himself.

Trish opened the door before he could even knock letting him in. "This is going to be hard for me to tell you. Come on in," she told him shutting the door behind him. He looked at the bruises on her face. The one around her eye was from where Dotty had punched her and the other was from the punch bowl hitting her in the face when she had fell.

"Well?" he prompted. She waved her hand to for him to follow her which he did. He was confused when they walked into Dotty's room. He stayed by the door while Trish went over to her desk.

She sighed and turned around to him. She was holding something in her hands, but he couldn't make it out. "I remember looking at those letters when you were reading them and feeling like the stationary was familiar. Then a friend of mine told me that they had heard that Dotty was the one who sent those letters in hopes to tear us apart," she informed him making Sebastian laugh dryly.

"Why would Dotty want to break us up?" he asked her running his hands down his face. He was tired of her games already. He just wanted ONE night of peace before they got married. She laughed at him toying with the ribbon on the stationary before holding it out to him. "What is this?" he asked taking it.

She cocked her jaw. "The same exact stationary that your letters came on. And think about it Seb, the letters may have started before we got together, but she was in love with you. After we got together those letters could have been her way to break us apart. And plus with everything else she tried to –" she was cut off but an angry Sebastian.

"What else did she try to do?" he harshly asked her making her gulp. She never saw him this angry before, but that just meant that her plan was working.

"She was the one who sent in all those photos of me supposable cheating. She is very good a Photoshop," she commented crossing her arms. Sebastian felt betrayed. He confided in her about so many things that he thought he was telling to a girl who actually cared for him. In a fit of rage, he threw the box at the wall smashing it open.

The papers when everywhere as he stormed out of the house. "Just fucking drive," he barked to the boys. Anthony didn't bother with a witty remark as he put the car in drive and got the fuck out of there. Trish was terrified. She never saw that side of Sebastian before. But she was just happy that her plan had worked.

When Dotty arrived home later that night she found her bedroom door wide open and her box of stationary exploded on the floor. She felt her heart drop into her stomach knowing that nothing good could come from this.

And she was proven right when she heard the first ping of many for that night come through her phone.

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