[Letter 13]

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Dear Sebastian Stan,

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Dear Sebastian Stan,

I just don't know what to say. I used to be so good with my words and now it's shit. My writing is shit, my followers have noticed it. I don't know why either. All I have wanted to do lately is cry. Is that normal to feel this way? I hope so, otherwise, I might need help.

Everyone's life is going great. Yours, everyone in my family, my friends, other celebrities. Like?? I want to be happy! My w h o l e family including uncles, aunts, and cousins, the whole shebang, they are all going to the beach. Guess who has to stay home and housesit all of their houses? Guess who has to watch over ten pets? Guess who can't get the time off of work.


I haven't gone on a family vacation since I was like, ten. Somehow my family always found an excuse to make me stay home. Why can't I go on a vacation? Excuse the tear marks on here I am just so frustrated. I want to be able to relax as well.

XoXo, Mystery Girl

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