Chapter 5

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*Updated, 2024*

What's your favorite kind of drink? Right now, mine is either red wine, or an iced americano.


After the incidents from the morning, school - thankfully, passed in a blur.

So here I sat, on the couch - waiting for Sam to come back down from upstairs. Clicking through the channels on the television - I peered at the time on my phone.

If it's seven o'clock now ... then I have about forty minutes to be dressed and out the door.

I chewed on my cheek. Shit, how am I supposed to get there- if Sam is going to be busy with internet guy?

"Ohhh Jub!"

Sam and all of her summer glory, came walking down the stairs. Her face now dawning a slight glow - one, which I would not dare inquire about.

The change in her clothes told me enough.

I guess they weren't playing around about 'what they were doing'.

Now she sported black yoga shorts and a white crop top tee. I meet her eyes on the stairway, and she returned my raised brows with a wiggling of her own. She froze on the last step, her brows now scrunching together as she took in my attire.

"Are you going ... like that?" She pointed a manicured hand at me.

I frowned then, looking down at the same outfit I wore earlier.

"What's wrong with it?"

"You wore it to school, and it's..." She waved a hand toward me then, "-cookie monster."

I continued to frown before a spark of amusement filled her eyes.

"Ohhh I get it," She winked.


"Because you want to get some cookie monster action tonight."

"That doesn't even make sense Sam." I retorted. "And no, you know that it's not like that."

She shrugged then, her hand still on the railing - "Well, come upstairs and let me dress you up anyways." She sighed, "Let me at least pretend that you are a normal young .. adult female."

I tilted my head to the side, "If I do - will you give me a ride?"


I dragged myself off of the couch then, following her upstairs and into her room. With posters of bands plastered against her wall - I almost, almost missed a very shirtless Dylan lounging across her bed.

I momentarily paused, a slight heat stinging my face before blinking it away - ignoring the way the lamp light shone on his bare skin -and the way his chest steadily rose up and down... or the way his - no, nope. Not going there.

He was definitely fit though, I would give her that.

"Stay here, I need to go get the straightener."


I abruptly turned to face her then, my eyes slightly widened as she obliviously left me in the same room as her shirtless internet guy .

How the hell has so much changed in just the course of one day? I blink towards him then, careful not to breathe too loud.

Why did she have to bring me in here - if he is sleeping?

I squint, pursing my lips.

"I know I am beautiful," He purred nonchalantly, "But it's rude to stare - and especially creepy to watch someone sleep." The arm that was thrown over his eyes slowly raised, as his gaze fell on me. My patience with this guy ... it's wearing thin. If I even had any to begin with.

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