Chapter 36

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Nadine had moved around, loosened her stiff limbs, and eaten by the time Regina returned, carrying a soft package. She felt better – she felt more like herself again. So she eyed the parcel with distaste as Regina set it on the bed, then unlocked her shackles.

"I have to go and get ready," she breathed. "Nadine –" She moved as if to embrace her, but Nadine stepped back. Regina hurried away and Nadine was left wondering how long she'd be able to get away with standing and staring at the package. She sighed, resigning herself to the fact that she'd have to wear whatever was inside. In a way, she wanted to go to the party – she wanted to face Kostin, finally.

It was a dress of dark blue, glossy silk that shimmered and shifted like ink, or water lit by sunlight. Its edges were embroidered with silver and the sleeves were translucent, billowing and fastened at the wrists by silver cuffs. Nadine gazed in the mirror. She looked like a nightling. She looked like she was wearing the night sky, stars and all.

It was the most beautiful and most expensive thing she'd ever worn. And she hated it.

A guard rapped on the door, barking that she had less than a minute left. Nadine slipped into the black pumps she'd found beneath the dress, and ran her fingers through her hair. This would be the last time she'd see her friends, because surely her execution would be soon. She itched to see them again. After spending every day travelling together, a few days apart felt strange.

A guard led Nadine towards where she assumed the dining room was, through a maze of twisting corridors. She wished she had a weapon with her – she felt bare without a knife in her shoe. All she had was this flimsy dress.

That was when she saw Gylfi. He was flanked by guards, walking into their hallway – of course, he was being led in the same direction.



He crashed into her, his arms locking her against him, and Nadine drew a shuddering breath of relief. It had been all too easy to imagine them torturing him – she'd needed to see he was alive and whole for herself.

Nadine drew back. Gylfi wore a glossy blue waistcoat over a crisp, long-sleeved white shirt with large cuffs. His knee-length brown boots looked soft, and he even had a red cape over one shoulder, fastened loosely by a golden chain.

"You look regal."

"I do, don't I?" He preened. "I look better than you. You look like something the cat dragged in." Nadine stifled a laugh. What was wrong with her? How did Gylfi still somehow have the ability to make her laugh, even in their current situation?

A guard prodded them with his rifle. "Keep moving," he barked.

Gylfi and Nadine walked the rest of the way together.

"Any idea what's going on, or why we're being summoned by His Royal Highness?" Gylfi whispered.

"Not a clue. At least we'll see Regina and Elias."

"Yeah. Great. We're getting a reunion before we die."

The guards opened two grand double doors, and they emerged into a shining room lit by sconces along the walls and a chandelier that dripped diamonds. Government officials, noblemen and their haughty wives stood around chatting, and a few had already taken their seats at the long wooden tables.

Regina spotted them immediately, and wound her way through the crowd towards them. She impatiently brushed off anyone who tried to speak to her. Nadine didn't fail to notice how wide Gylfi's eyes were. He looked like he was afraid to blink, like she'd disappear if he looked away.

Raven GirlOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora