Chapter 16

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remember it's true, dignity is valuable/ but our lives are valuable too


I'm in command when i see them, the executions. The room is full of government and civillian alike, we'd had intel that the capitol was making a major televised move tonight, so a good chunk of district thirteen flocked to the most accesible television. The room is pulsing with apprehension, we have no idea what's coming. In the corner of the room stands Plutarch, whispering into his commlink nervously, i catch his eye and i try to look sane. It's all i can do to stop my body from shaking all over, wanting to see Katniss but at the same time knowing she'll be more hurt than ever, partly down to me. The croaking voice of President Snow catches my ear, something in his voice turns my blood cold, he's sitting in his usual chair, the red panem backdrop behind him, the smile playing about his lips makes me reach for Annie's hand, standing next to me, and grip it hard.

"This mandatory broadcast is here to show the execution of justice, to display the consequences of such unsavoury actions that endanger the capitol. The beating heart that keeps your home alive" his eyes are dark and almost triumphant, and i know that whatever is coming won't be good.

His next words wash over me like water, my brain is thinking the worst, have they decided to hurt Katniss? Have they decided that killing the girl on fire on national television is the most effective way of crushing the rebellion? The camera cuts away from him and my heart stops, there is not one, but four figures kneeling on the bare empty wooden floor of the stage, their faces are covered, and one of them shakes with sobs. My eyes rake over the people and realise that none of them could be Katniss, too of them are most likely men, and the others are too small or too large, i'm disgusted at the relief i feel.

"You have been charged with assisting the insubordinate movement, and been found guilty. Perpetrators of such heinous crimes are not to be walking among us. The sentence for what you have done is death" Snow's voice booms from the screen, and i know the kneeling people can hear him because one of them whimpers and starts to shake. My heart seems to rear backwards and speed forwards into overdrive, it pounds in my ears and i can feel it in every part of my body.

Snow says the first name, and a guard steps forward to remove the blindfold, i recognize her right away as one of Katniss' prep team, they move down the line lazily and harshly, slowly revealing the faces of Venia, Octavia, Flavius, and-


Smart, strong Cinna, who turned Katniss into the Mockingjay, who was a key in this rebellion, about to be executed. I hear the gasps in the room but i can't make myself turn around, i owe it to these people, to Cinna, who gave himself to Katniss, to the cause, and died for it, died for the rebellion i'm the face of. I shudder and feel Annie squeeze my hand, she's just as scared as i am.

At every gunshot the people in the room seem to lean back, a ripple goes up the crowd, everyone is quiet, everyone can't look away. My hand moves to cover my mouth as the guard takes the final step, past the bodies, to Cinna, my face is wet as i watch his eyes look into the camera, as i watch the bullet go through his skull. At the final moment, the guard looks up, and smiles. The camera cuts to President Snow, perhaps smiling more than ever, unchanged even though he has changed everything, he gives a small nod and the camera cuts again to a reporter in a red coat, she reads from a sheet of paper.

"The President would like to inform the public that these criminals are in no way connected to Katniss Everdeen. Katniss is one of our most devoted citizens, she knows that what goes against the capitol goes against all of us, she is currently in hospital after a savage attack from the very people those criminals worked for. As soon as she has made a recovery i have been told she might give a longer interview of her view on why these terminations were necessary. Please keep sending your get well cards, next on the program, the latest shortages in foods and goods, then the weather, thank you" someone turns off the screen, and it's this, this cutting off, that makes me blink and turn around.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2016 ⏰

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