Fucking Finally

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"Whatever's inside, whatever happens," John says, lighting his Lumen and going into speech-mode, "we will kill Setrákus Ra, no matter what."

"We're all on this, dude." I mutter, maybe a bit angrier than I should be. I just want to get this over with. My heart can't take it anymore. John chose Sarah. I knew this could happen. I knew it would happen. And yet, the agony is not dulled in the slightest.

We're all determined. We're all ready to go. We're all ready to fight.

It's go time.

John holds a glowing hand in front of the door, ready to make it implode. All of us are about to face the monster that slaughtered an entire race of people.

And that's when the door slides open.

Who is standing in the door but friggin' Agent Karen Walker. Damn, this lady moves quick. From what I gather in the split second before she's darting back through the door, she's hurt. Or at least, her arm is in a sling.

John gasps at the sight of her familiar face. "Wait! Agent Walker!" He shouts as she tries to escape our line of sight.

"Walker?" I ask, delaying the inevitable battle ahead of us. A second ago I wanted to get the war over with, but now I have a chance to be the old me. That said, my alpha and flamboyant attitude takes over. "Are you kidding me? The chick soldier who tried to capture us?"

"I'll get her for you." Eight says before teleporting away. I wait for what to me is an eternity, but is realistically half a second. Any opportunity to ignore my broken heart while simultaneously putting down one of the many little fuckers who destroyed my home planet is one that simply cannot wait.

Eight materializes a beat later, Walkers arms twisted behind her back. John rips her badge off of her shirt, and I nab it from him immediately after. I examine it, displaying to Walker my superior status. "Well, well, well," I purr, dragging out each and every word, "Who do we have here? Special Agent Walker?" I laugh, giving her a once-over. "Lady, you look awful!"

"Do you know how pathetic you are?" John roars. Damn, I got myself a feisty boyfriend. I think. Except... And then I'm hit with yet another wave of heartbreak, sadness, and betrayal. And then one sentence repeats in my mind. It's all thanks to you, you friggin idiot. Try as I might, I can't contain the anger I feel, so I instead channel it into the interrogation session I know I'm about to have with Karen Walker.

John has moved closer to Walker, rage bubbling over. "Cutting deals with the Mogs, doing their dirty work, for what? They're going to destroy you!"

"I'm doing my job." She says curtly, jaw jutting out. "We are doing what's best for our country." She stares into John's eyes, trying to put some fear into them, but I know that she's the one who needs to be afraid.

I notice Sarah on my left side suddenly point at her, realizing something. "I've seen you before... John, she was there when Six was taken away."

That does it. She can play tea party with the Mogs, do the exact opposite of what is 'best for her country', and do a ton of other shit, but taking a Loric to a possible doom? I refuse to put up with the little shit who does that. I grab the front of her shirt and put my face right up next to hers. "I want this one." I whisper, not hiding the ferocity in my voice. I call upon the memories of her and her dumb colleges capturing John and I to fuel my fire even more. "I get to kill her."

She wiggles to try and free herself, but one injured human has the strength of a mortally wounded Garde member. Eight and I keep our grip tight, awaiting Walker's surrender. And of course, it comes.

"Wait! I know where your ship is! I know where it is and you'll never find it without me!" She pleads. I don't buy her crap for a second.

Marina, however, is still uncertain how much trust to put in the agent. "Our ship is here?"

Agent Walker nods, or tries to in the position she's in, "I'll show you if you let me go."

I know where our time needs to be spent, and it's definitely not here. "What do you think, Four?" I ask. For a split second, John's eyes widen. Four. He knows I only call him that when I'm upset with him. He looks into my eyes. Those pretty blue eyes just look at me, trying to figure out what to do. Nothing, of course. He can't do anything at this point.

As if to drive my point home, Sarah starts grabbing at John's arm. "John? What happens when you find your ship?"

"We don't have time for this! I know Six is in this room and the fact that she'll say anything to keep us from going in tells me I'm right! Forget about her! Who cares where our ship is, until we find Six!" Marina barks, voicing my exact opinion. That is, aside from the whole "basically committing suicide so I don't need to deal with heartbreak" thing. But that's just a minor detail.

I step forward. "I'll handle her." I place her, hung by her belt, on the light on the ceiling. I give John a glance and a wink and blow the door behind us open with my telekinesis. He can take the wink how he wants, but I mean it as a "don't-let-Sarah-die-otherwise-you-broke-my-heart-for-nothing-John-fucking-Smith" kind of wink.

I smile at Sarah. She's John's light, and John is mine. So I guess she's sort of my cousin-light. Okay, I'm delusional. But if she kept my Johnny happy for so long, I owe her my life... I think. I still haven't figured out this love thing. Wait. Love? I am not in love anymore! I'm not allowed to be! John has broken things off and I need to accept that! I shake my head out a bit and turn to Sarah once more. "You're pretty badass from what I've heard from Johnny here, think you can handle her?" I place Walker's cannon in her arms.

"If she moves from that light, I'll blast her. Gladly."

I smirk. She's everything John described... she's not a hateable person. So what am I supposed to do? None of the movies or TV shows work like this, and that's the only relationship training that I have!

John inspects every member of the Garde. "It's time." He says.

Fucking finally. I think.

A bunch of stuff happens.

We fight... we almost lose.

Ella gets a new legacy. She hurts that piece of shit Setrákus Ra... I think. I'm almost dead on the cold stone floors.

I try so hard to die. That's all I want to do. All I want is to drift into nothingness. My chest throbs every moment that goes on, my heart wanting to give up. John fills my mind as I lay on the hard rock, patiently awaiting my demise. John. John. He's all I can think of. All I want... all I can't have. I focus on the way his warm lips feel crashing into mine. I focus on the way his golden blond hair always looks messy, in the cutest way possible. The way his bright, beautiful blue eyes drift to the left side when he's really thinking. The way he somehow smells like the ocean even after a sweaty workout. The way his voice sounds. The way his skin feels. The way he looks. The way I love him.

I think of John as I die. I try to die. I don't want to wake up and forever deal with heartbreak. This nothingness, this is what I want. I just want some goddamned peace and quiet. So, I try to die.

And then fucking Marina and her magical Florence Nightingale heal-y powers has to come and save me. Fuck.

Now I have to keep on living.

-The End-

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