Chapter 43

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Thor's secretary had gone home hours ago, so Doug rushed into his office without so much as a knock.

"Is it true? You did it? Gaia's up again?" Doug asked.

Thor nodded and then explained, "Just as I expected, Luna knew more than she was letting on. We were listening as she said where to look to get Gaia running. Before she could even turn Gaia on herself, our team had it operational."

"And the modifications we discussed?"

"That will take more time. Even though Gaia is running now, it seems to be very different than it was before. Making changes is going to take some time, but the major blocker is behind us now."

"Good, good. Can we at least use Gaia to deal with Luna, Phillip, and the ex-cop?"

"Not until we make those changes."

"And how long will that take?"

"Maybe a few days."

"Then we'll need to do it the old-fashioned way. No loose ends. Send in your best men and get it done quickly and quietly. Do it tonight. Make sure it looks like an accident. We don't need any more attention on us."


Doug hated the idea of counting his chickens before they were hatched, but he was proud. This was it. His life's work laid out in front of him. The tool that he was always meant to use to do the job he was always intended to perform. His dad would've been proud. He was proud of himself. At least, that's what he thought this feeling was. He imagined himself having coffee with his dad. Explaining how well this had all gone. And he could picture his father patting him on the back. Too bad he couldn't actually share this moment with anyone.

Of course, there was Thor. And that meant more to him now than it used to. But it didn't give him the sense of accomplishment that he longed for. And he couldn't very well throw himself a party for having created the best and most efficient killing machine in history. The least detectable one.

He thought about how much he had matured since the day he'd watched his dad hang himself. How much he had changed. Back then, he was just a kid who had peed his pants. Now he was a man. An ingenious man, who could plan the most amazing ideas and bring those plans to fruition. They would write about him in history books. If people knew. But no. The meek shall inherit the earth. Let what was written come to pass. That's where so many others had gone wrong. He wasn't going to let his ego get in the way anymore. He had transcended his ego. That's the part his dad would have liked best.

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