Chapter 72

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"Oh, Phillip. What's wrong?" I asked, as I ran over to his side. "What's the matter? Are you hurt?"

He wept.

Just then, Alex started laughing hysterically. Like a hyena. I turned to look at him.

"And what the hell's wrong with you?"

My eyes began to blur. Phillip kept crying. Alex kept laughing. My head hurt. What was going on? Something was not right. The water kept boiling, steam filling the air.

Something was wrong. The air. Something was wrong with the air. Carbon monoxide. We had to get out of there. Phillip collapsed to his knees.

"Phillip, stand up. We've got to get out of the house."

Alex's laugh turned into a cough. I reached for the tiny kitchen window and opened it. My vision blurred even more. All I wanted to do was sit down. Plop on the couch and take a nap. Hell, the kitchen floor would do just fine. Never before had I felt such an intense desire to just give in and let go.

"Come on, guys. We're leaving. The house is poisoned. Leave. Now."

I pulled at Phillip's shirt, but was a futile effort. He wasn't going to budge. Phillip was not a small man. I couldn't pull him out alone even if I had my full strength.

"Alex, I need your help. We need to get Phillip out of here."

Alex was trying to make his way over to us, but he couldn't walk in a straight line. He swayed in long arcs like a drunkard. But his eyes now had purpose. He got to us, and together we pulled the sobbing man into the hall. It took every ounce of strength I had left, and every muscle in my body was screaming at me to give up. Give in. Let go. But I couldn't let go. Not now. I wasn't done. This wasn't my time yet. This wasn't our time to go.

Then it struck me. I looked over at the thermostat. It was a Nest. One of Ancien's newest beta customers. Ancien. Gaia. My own baby was trying to kill me. Again. Trying to kill us. Now I was crying along with Phillip. No, I was crying instead of Phillip. Why wasn't Phillip crying anymore?

"Phillip, don't fall asleep on me, buddy. Wake up."

I let go of his arm for a moment and slapped his face with as much strength as I had left. He didn't open his eyes. I grabbed his arm again.

"Come on, we need to get out of here," I yelled.

Alex pulled as hard as he could. I wouldn't have been able to do it without him, but he wouldn't have been able to do it without me, either. I saw him fighting unconsciousness, his eyes fluttering to the back of his head.

We made it almost to the door. I could almost reach the handle with one hand.

"Come on, Alex. One more pull," I said. "I just need one more pull, come on."

"Okay, just a minute. I just need to catch my breath."

Alex let go of Phillip and sat on the floor next to him.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no."

I tried to pull Phillip on my own, but I couldn't manage, even though we were just inches from the door. There was no time. There was no time. I just needed a quick rest, and then I'd be able to pull them both. Just a quick rest. I wondered what Heath was doing right then. I missed seeing him. Just close my eyes for a few seconds. Picture his handsome face. Then I'll. Then.

No. Wait, no. I stood up, turned around, and opened the front door. A whoosh of air flew in. Clean. Cool. Crisp. I greedily filled my lungs with the damp nectar. Then I turned around and slapped Alex as hard as I could manage. Between the slap and the fresh air, he came to. I could see clarity in his eyes. We grabbed Phillip and yanked him out the door.

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