Chapter 68

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Doug was surprised by the name they had chosen. He'd half expected to hear the US president's name. That would have been fun. Indeed, that was a name he'd been tempted to try himself. But it was a Chinese name. Doug assumed it must belong to some dissident. An enemy of the state. It made sense. They wanted to see just how powerful Gaia was. They wanted to know if it could reach across country borders.

Of course, Doug knew it would. Gaia was global. It was already killing Chinese. The job would be done soon enough. Could be any minute. And when it was over, they would call him and everything would finally come together. The last piece of the puzzle falling neatly into place.

Doug hadn't slept. Nor had he left his office. It felt good to have an office again.

Then there was a knock at his door. Doug turned his head, curious. It wasn't like he was the only one working on Sunday in that building. But he certainly wasn't expecting any visitors.

There was another knock. Doug stood up and walked slowly to the door. He held his breath and tried to listen for clues. There were none to be heard. He opened the door.

Standing in front of him was an old man. He looked like he hadn't showered in days. A pungent smell of body odor invited itself through the door.


"You're not Thor Massino."

"No, I'm not. Who are you?"

"Do you know where Thor is?"

"Please, won't you come in and sit down? I'm expecting a phone call, but it probably won't come for a few more minutes."

The man had a cold stare. He looked haggard, his white hair sticking out in various directions. Doug had never seen him before. This would be more entertaining than watching his phone. What was the worst that could happen, after all? His curiosity was piqued.

The old man entered the room and looked around.

"This is Thor's office, isn't it?"

On a whim, Doug decided to play along.

"Well, yes. Can I get you something? Tea? Coffee?"

"Coffee. Black."

Doug went to the far corner of the office where there was an espresso maker built into the wall. He pressed a button, and the grinders started whirring.

"So, what do you need to see Thor about so urgently?" Doug asked.

"Who are you?"

Doug rolled his eyes. This was getting tiresome.

"I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself. I'm Doug Kensington, one of Ancien's board members. Do you work here?"

Doug handed the stranger his coffee and motioned to him to sit down. They sat across from each other.

"You're on the board? It's about time someone knows what's going on, and you're probably as good a person to tell as anyone. Thor Massino is not what he appears to be. He's been using Ancien to kill people."

"What are you talking about?"

"I've been working with Luna Valencia ever since the shooting in New York. That kid, Taye—he found out what Thor was up to. Thor broke him out of prison and brought him back here. Luna and I found his body right over there."

He pointed toward the closet.

"You saw a dead body in that closet?"

"Yes, I did. But that's not even the worst of it. I think Thor's been killing millions of people using a system Taye built on top of Ancien. He needs to be stopped."

"Is that why you came here today? To stop Thor? What were you planning to do if you found him?"

"I don't know. Talk to him."

Doug watched the man's reaction carefully: he reached unconsciously for his jacket pocket. There was probably a gun there. This just got even more interesting.

"These are some incredible allegations, Mr.?"

"Sonne. Alex Sonne."

"Mr. Sonne. Do you have any evidence to back up your claims?"

"Not yet, but with your help, it shouldn't be too hard to get some."

"Of course, you're absolutely right. I'm glad you ran into me. Are you okay? You don't look so good."

"I was in a car wreck. I'm all right."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Let me see if I can't find you something a little stronger than coffee."

Doug went to his desk and opened the bottom drawer. Sitting in it was a bottle of tequila, two shot glasses, and a gun. He pulled out the tequila.

"Thanks. Cheers," said Alex. They downed their shots. "So you didn't have a clue what Thor was up to this whole time?"

"I still don't believe it. If what you say is true, there are going to be some serious consequences for everybody. Even innocent bystanders like myself." Alex nodded solemnly. "What do the police have to say about all this?"

"We haven't gone to the police yet."

"Why not?"

"Two reasons. First, no evidence. Second, Luna's in a bit of trouble with the police."

"Ah, yes, of course," Doug sighed.

"Can I ask you something?"

Doug hated when people asked that.


"It's nine in the morning on a Sunday. What are you doing in Thor's office and why did you let me in so easily?"

"I'm waiting for Thor. We were supposed to meet this morning, but he hasn't showed. Why do you think you're still alive?"

Alex looked puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Well, if Thor created this amazing killing machine, why hasn't he used it to kill you yet? Or just sent a hit man to do the job?"

"I've almost been killed at least twice now."

Third time's the charm.

"I'm sorry, do you mind if I just get another drink?"

"Be my guest."

"Want one?"

"No, thanks."

Doug reached for the cabinet.

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