The Tour Dates

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Keisha  and Walter  have  finally  going  to  give  us the Tour Date and we are excited  to  hear  what  city  we are going  to  and people  we are going  to  see so we are in the  lounge  discussing  where  we are going  to  go

Keisha ;  ok so guys  what  part  of  the  state  do you  guys  want  to  go to  or travel  to  that  you  have  not  been  before 

Ej ;  I  wanted  to  travel  to  Tokyo ,  Japan  , China, Russia  and My Hometown  Detroit  Michigan 

Mike ; I never  been  to  Detroit  before  but we can travel  to  London ,  Philadelphia ,  New  York  City  and Memphis 

Prodigy ;  we can go to the  Caribbean  Island , Jamaica  or Los Angeles 

Roc ;  those  are some good  places  to  travel  for  Tour 

Ray ;  yeah  what  do you  think  Keisha 

Keisha ;  I  think  that  is a good  idea  I  wrote  down  the  place  you  want  to  go and all I  have  to  do is give it  to  Walter  and we can go from  there 

Mike ; ok  all we have  to  do is  wait  to  see when we are leaving 

Keisha ;  oh we are leaving  in November  the 7th and coming  back  August  10th  so you  going  to  have  to  bring   some  clothes  , shoes ,  Hygiene  products  and toothed  brush , tooth paste  and food  we have food  on the  bus  but  it not going  to  last  you guys  a month  on the  bus  with  chips  so bring  a lot  of  food 

Ray ;  I  already  know  what  I  am  bringing  some  tacos 

Keisha ;  you  stay eating  tacos  Ray 

Ray :)  Hey I love  my tacos  if I  don't  have  them  I  am going  to  die

Roc ;  Man taco is not  the only  food  out  there try something  different 

Ray ;  I  do try something  different  it's  just  that  taco are my favorite  food 

Roc ;  Now That  Make More Sense 

Mike ; Now We Got These  Tour Dates  I'm  excited  and little  nervous   Though 

Ej ;  Why are you  nervous  for  we are going  meet  new  people  eat new  food  and see new  things  you  don't  have  to  be  nervous  I  am  going  to  be  by your  side  all the  way 

Mike ;  Thank  Ej

Ej  ;  I  know  so Princeton  what  are wearing  on tour 

Princeton ;  I  am  a  Misfits  I  am  wearing  Dark Color  , My Color  Green  now I  am  getting  into  Gold  or orange 

Ej ;  That is going  to  be  dope  I  am  probably  going  to  wear  Sweat  pants  and Shirts  and regular  Clothes 

Roc ;  Man this  tour  is  tour  is going  to  be  Lit 

Prodigy ;  I already  know  but I  am afraid  nothing  will  go good 

Mike ; Look  Man you  have  to  believe  in yourself  and believe  that  we are going  to  be the best  band that  we can  be alright 

Prodigy ;  yeah  you  right 

Princeton ;  Now we got  this  tour  dates  and everything  is settle out  and  there  one thing  I  want  to  ask  you  guys 

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