After The Argument

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The Boys  went  to  separate  rooms  after  the  argument   and they  Close  the door  and lock  it 

* In Ej Room .*

Man I  cannot  believe  what  just  happened  I  thought  everything  was going  to  go smoothly  but  things  happen  for  a  reason  and that  reason  is we have  to  take some time  apart  from  each  other 

* In Mike Room  *

I just  wanted  to  be here for  everybody  but  I  am  causing  a  problem  for  everyone 

Ray is sleeping 

Roc  was crying  and he went  to  sleep 

Princeton  went  to  sleep  crying  about  what  happens 

Prodigy   was thinking  and he fell asleep 

They  took  some time  apart  from  each  other  to work  on  themselves 


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