is this the end

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Roc ;  Hey Guys  come  down  here 

Prodigy ;  What  sup 

Roc ;  there  something  I  should  tell  you  guys 

Princeton ;  What  is it  man

Roc ;  well  you  guys  know  Desiree  right 

Princeton ;  is she the girl  you  went out  with 

Roc ;  yeah  that  the one and  she is pregnant  by me

Princeton ;  Hold on what 

Roc ;  yeah 

Prodigy ;  Man but how did this  happen 

Roc ;  remember  the birthday  party  we was hosting 

Princeton ;  yeah 

Roc ;  well  I  had gotten  a little  drunk  and we had sex and she called  me  and  told  me  she is  pregnant 

Princeton ;  Omg  Man what  if Keisha  and Walter  Finds Out 

Roc ;  they  already  knows 

Princeton ;  What  you  mean  they  already  know 

Roc ;  well  basically  when  we came  back  to  the  house  they was in there room  watching  TV and then all over  every  channel  saying  that  Me and  Desiree  are having  a  child  together  they  were mad at me but they  accepted  it

Prodigy ;  well  that  good 

Ray  Ray ;  Man I cannot  believe  that  you  got her pregnant   man what  wrong  with  you 

Roc ;  look I  don't  feel  like  hearing  you  leturine  me I  already  heard  it from  Walter and Keisha 

Ray  Ray ;  oh well  I  was going  to  say  you  shouldn't  got drunk 

Roc ;  Man this  is  going  to  be  my son or daughter  I  going  to  love  him or her cause  my dad was never  in my life  it was  hard  on me

Ray  Ray ;  I  know  man but  you  are only  16

Roc ;  I  know 

Princeton ;  so let  tell  the other 

Prodigy ;  the other  know  about  it  already  too

Ej ;  But  Prodigy  I  know  you  got  something  to tell  us

Prodigy ;  yeah  I  do 

Princeton ;  What  do you  have  to  tell  us

Prodigy  ;  you  are  going  to  know  soon 

Mike ;  ok I  can't  wait  to  hear  it

The boys  was  doing  good  then  Roc  started  lashing  out  on everybody  and he started  fighting  a man over  money   and they  couldn't  take it  anymore  so they  called  a house meeting 

Princeton ;  I  called  this house meeting  because  we need  to  talk to  you  Roc 

Roc ;  What  do you  guys  want  to  talk  to  me about 

Princeton ;  well lately  you  been  lashing  out  on everyone   and want  to  tell  you  😠  if you  don't  stop  you  going  to  get  kicked  out  the group 

Prodigy ;  Man you was cool  you  just  starting  Changing  on us

Roc ;  I  know  you not talking  I  know  your secret 

Prodigy ;  What  are you  talking  about 

Roc ;  you  just  sitting  here  acting  like everything  is  ok but you  the only  one  in  this  group   who wants  to 

Prodigy ;  Don't  you  dare say it

Princeton ;  What  going  on  what  was he going  to  say 

Prodigy ;  Nothing 

Roc ;  you  know what  I  was going  to  say because  your  scared  that  invincily  going  to  find  out 

Prodigy ;  you  are  so Evil 

Roc ;  ok guys  I  am going  to  tell  them Prodigy  didn't  want  to  tell  you  😠  because  he was going  to  be afraid  but  I  am  not  he  is  going  to  leave  the  group 

Princeton ;  What 

Ray  Ray ;  you  cannot  be serious 

Prodigy ;  I  cannot  believe  you 

Princeton ;  so this is  why you been  acting  strange  lately 

Prodigy ;  yeah  that  is  why 

Roc ;  I  rest my  case 

Ej ;  you  are not  off the  hook  Roc 

Roc ;  What  now

Ej ;  we called  this meeting  to let  you  know  if you  do not  clean up your  act you  are gone 

Roc ;  you  cannot  get  rid of  me 

Ej ;  watch  us

Roc ;  But  I  thought  we were  brothers 

Ej ;  we are we just  can't  take  what  you  doing  any more 

Roc ;  ok I  am  going  to  change 

Princeton ;  Prodigy  since you  are leaving  the group  make sure  you  tell  Keisha  and Walter 

Walter ;  he already  did we are going  to  miss you 

Keisha I  am  still  a little  upset  but  I  am  slowly  getting  over  it 

Prodigy  Mom   wrote  a long paragraph  on her page telling  all the  Mindless  behavior  fans  that  Prodigy  is going  solo and he is not going  to  be  part  of  Mindless  Behavior  anymore  the fans  took  it to  heart  and Roc  starting  stealing  the producer  car while they  were  in studio  session  and the producers  pressed  charges  on him and Keisha  and Walter  kick  Roc  out  the group 

Princeton ;  I  cannot  believe  Roc  got kicked  out  the group 

Ray Ray  me either 

Mike ; Well  it just  us now

Ej ;  yup  just  us

Prodigy  came back  and left  the  group  again  and then  Ray Ray  went  crazy  and he decided  to  go solo Now it's  Princeton ,  Mike and  Ej 

Keisha ;  Well  guys  it looks  like it just  going  to  be you three

Princeton ;  I  am  cool  with  that 

Mike ;  Me Too 

Ej ;  Me Three 

So Mindless  behavior  kept  it as a  trio  they released  their  ahead  of  The B.E.T  Experience 

They went  #1 on  ITUNES 

#3 on The  Billboard  R&B  Album  Chart 
And it's  was the best  day  of  their  life 

The fans  was upset  but they  surely  fell in love  with  them  again 

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