Is This The End of Us

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I cannot  believe  I  just  fire from  the  group  I don't  understand  what  I  did wrong  ok I  know  I  stole the producers  car but I  did for a good  reason  if you  wanted  to  know  why I  stole the car
The first  reason  is that  Desiree  called  and told me she wanted  to  see me and I  was going  to  ask but I  did not  feel  like  going  back into the Building  so I  drove to her house  and knock  on  the  door  and  she open its 

Roc ;  Hey Desiree  so what  do you  want  to  talk to  me about 

Desiree ;  Well I  called  you  so I  can see you and I  have exciting  news well I  am pregnant  and you  are the dad

Roc ;  I  am  happy  that  I  am  going  to  be  a  Daddy  and I  can become  yours cause  you  know how roczilla  do

Desiree ;  yes I do daddy  now come inside  I  have to show you  something 

She took me in the  living  room  and she me a picture  of  her baby  bump I cannot  believe  this

Desiree ;  I know you are excited  but the question  I  wanted  to  ask you  was how the group 

Roc ;  well I  have got kicked  out  of  the  group  and Prodigy  and Ray left  now it's  Princeton ;  Mike  and  Ej 

Desiree  ; What  Happened 

Roc ;  When  Me and the boys  met it was like we knew each  other  for our whole  life and we came out with two  albums  then We just couldn't  get  along  we been  arguing  none stop  it got to the point we did not  want  to  be around  each  other  then everyone  is doing  their  own thing  Me I just  trying  to  figure  out  what  I'm  going  to  do next 

Desiree ;  you are going  to  do  fine  baby  hey I know a guy he is a  singer  and  he has a manager  that looking  for new  talent  how about  you audition  for  them 

Roc ;  That great baby where  do they live

Desiree   ; they live right  across  the  street  from  me

Roc ;  thanks  you  baby  for this 

Desiree ;  your  welcome 

I walk out  of  Desiree  house  and walk across  the  street  to the house  when  I  got to  the door  I  knock  on  it and open  is a boy by my age

Roc ;  Hey I  am  looking  for  Courtland 

Courtland ;  that me what  do you  need  help  with 

Roc ;  I  hear  your manager  is looking  for  a  new  rapper  and I  can  rap

Courtland ;  well let see what  you  can do

Roc ;  Alright 

I walk into  the  studio  he played  a  beat and we got into  it 

We did some more  songs  and we gave it to  his manager  the manager  going  to  hear  it and give us his feedback 

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