the purple dress

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- Maya's POV.

Humming to myself, I climb up the so familiar fire scape that leads to the place I call home. Riley, my best friends, window. Something about the area just makes me feel.. Safe. Or maybe it isn't the place, maybe it's the person.

Riley and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. And frankly, I don't want to remember a time without her. I've had a hard life. It's just me and my mom, and she's always working. I love her, don't get me wrong.. But if I didn't have Riley, I'd feel completely alone. Her home has become my own, in more ways than one.  A majority of my time is spent there sure, but it's where I'm happiest. It's where the person I care about most is, and that's really what makes a home.

"Maya get in here!" Riley squeals, most likely
having heard the loud clanks of my combat boots against the metal stairs. A smile rushing onto my face, I hurry my way up the last stretch and then climb through the window, plopping down onto the seat.

Kicking my feet up, I look over to see Riley standing in front of her mirror, admiring her outfit. Her style has always been.. Unique, but this is new. "I don't know how I feel about this dress. Is it too much?" She asks, swaying from side to side as the long, frilly lavender dress swooshes around her calves. Crossing my arms over my chest, I can't help but to let out a little giggle. "If looking like a doll from the 1940's was your goal, then no. It's not too much." I retort, watching the mirror and noticing her face drop. Huffing, she turns to face me with the usual look of determination on her face.

"Well I happen to love this dress, Maya. And I don't need your opinion." She points out, as I begin standing up and walking over. "Then why ask for it?" I tease, poking her nose as I brush past her, going into the hallway and then into the kitchen, where of course breakfast is waiting for us on the table.

"Morning Mr. and Mrs. Matthews." I sing, skipping to the table where Auggie is munching down on his pancakes. Sitting myself down beside him, I slide myself a plate that was most likely meant for someone else and bite down on a piece of bacon. "Morning Maya. Good to see you've already started eating my food. Great start to a great year." Topanga says sarcastically, and I flash her an ever so innocent smile as Riley walks into the room, still wearing the purple dress, as I knew she would be.

When Riley wants something, she gets it. And she wants to wear that dress, which means no one's words can change that.

"Dolls can't eat." I remind her, as she sits herself down beside me at the table and picks up her fork. With a 'hmph' sound, she promptly ignores me and begins to eat her eggs. Smirking slightly, I realize she's giving me the silent treatment, common practice for us. We're best friends, we fight. It happens.

After a breakfast full of Auggie's jokes and Corey's preaching about.. whatever it is he actually teaches, it's time for Riley and I to leave for school. It's the first day of high school, which is scary in itself. On top of that, it's the first year Mr. Matthews won't be our teacher. Well, actually, I'm pretty thrilled about that. "Let's go dolly, wouldn't wanna be late for school." I joke as I jump up, slinging my backpack over my shoulder. Purposely not looking at me, she grabs her own bag and walks towards the door, her hips swaying in a sassier-than-usual manner.

Quirking an eyebrow, I follow her, as we both ignore all the comments about 'growing up' from her parents. Blah blah blah, they say the same things every year. "You're becoming grown women! My babies are growing up! I remember when you were in kindergarten!" Ew.
Waving goodbye, I slam the door in their faces and then turn to Riley, who still isn't looking at me. With a sigh, I grab her chubby cheeks in my hands and forcefully turn her head so that her puppy dog eyes are staring back at me. "Hey. You look beautiful in your purple dress. Now let's go show everyone that. Okay?" I ask, not breaking eye contact as I see that familiar sparkle return to her eyes, letting me know that she's ready to take on this new adventure with me. "Okay."

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