the conflict

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"Did you do the homewok?" Riley asks as she runs up to my locker, a desperate look on her face.

I turn slowly, with a raised eyebrow, amused. "Riley.. Puddin.. Do I ever do the homework?" I laugh, but she doesn't find this as funny as I do.

Her face turns into anger, her 'mean face' that I rarely ever see. "I can never count on you Maya! I always give you my homework, but the one time I need something, of course you're useless!" She snaps, her voice loud and shrilly.

I'm more shocked than hurt.
Riley has never, in our years and years of friendship, spoken to me like this. At least not seriously.

"I'm sorry Riley, I didn't know you felt that way." I mumble, my heart beating fast. I don't even know how to react to this, all I know is that something is wrong. Riley isn't like this she never has been.

"Whatever, I'm gonna be late for class." She rests her bag on her shoulder and then quickly walks away. Before she turned completely though, I saw her face change. From anger, to sadness. And I don't mean her usual cute puppy dog sad face. It looked like she was broken.

I walk off in the opposite direction, because we don't have the same class this period. It's probably for the best, honestly, it'll give her some alone time to think and cool off. Maybe when school ends she'll be better, and she'll want to talk like reasonable human beings. Who knows, though.. It's Riley and she's pretty unpredictable.

During my next class, which is geometry, I have some time to think myself. By now, I'm pretty positive about my feelings for Riley. I think about her non-stop, and not in the way that I used to. My thoughts aren't so innocent anymore. I daydream about us having sleepovers at her house, watching movies like we always do, but in my imagination's version of things, not much movie watching is happening. I day dream about cute dates where we go ice skating, and Riley can't stop falling on her butt, due to her undeniably adorable clumsiness. I daydream about us, together, as more than friends.

Yeah, I'm definitely in love with my best friend.

Luckily it's the last period of the day, so after 45 minutes of torture by triangles, the sweet sound of the bell ringing saves me and I run out of the classroom like my life depends on it. The first place I head to is the english hall, because I know it's Riley last class of the day. As I'm walking up to the door, she walks out, looking as upset as before.

"Hi sunshine, how ya feelin?" I sing, but her face doesn't change. Lucas walks up behind her, resting a hand on her shoulder, and I feel my blood starting to boil just by the sight of him.

"Huckleberry." I growl, which only makes him sneer.

"Shortstack." He counters, and I roll my eyes, focusing my attention back on Riley.

"So Riles, are we still hanging out today?" I ask, and before she can even begin to answer, Lucas jumps in.

"Sorry, but Riley and I are going out tonight." He informs me. When I look at her, she forces a smile and then nods. It seems so rehearsed, but honestly I'm too angry to care. She's never abandoned me like this, and for a guy? For Lucas? This stings.

"Thanks Ranger Rick, but I asked Riley. Not you." I remind him, unamused by this whole conversation. Hoping Riley will have a different answer, I gaze up at her, my teeth gently tugging at my bottom lip.

"Lucas and I are going out tonight, sorry Maya. Maybe you can spend your free time doing your homework, so maybe I can count on you for once in my life." She mutters, and with that, Lucas drags her away down the hall.

Her words hit me harder than a slap in the face, and honestly, the pain from that seems far more pleasurable than what I'm feeling right now.
"Yeah, well I thought I could count on you." I whisper, leaning my back against the door and letting my eyes fall shut. Riley has been my rock since as long as I can remember. I'm better because of her, and now, all of a sudden, everything is falling apart.

Her harsh words replaying in my mind over and over again, I force myself to start moving towards the back doors of the school. I guess I'll be riding the subway alone today, which I'm used to but I don't enjoy it. Plus I know all I'll be able to think about is Riley, and why out of nowhere she's so upset with me.

It doesn't seem fair. I finally get a grasp on my feelings for her, and this is what the universe gives me in return.


AN: I'm sorry, I suck, work and school keep me so busy tho/: What do y'all think is wrong with Riley?! Dramaaaaa. Please vote/comment!!

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