thunder & lightning

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Riley and I- thankfully- don't see Lucas at all after that. Word is he transferred schools again, but I honestly don't care what happened to him as long as I never have to see his face again.

Riley and I haven't talked about the kiss, but there's something different between us. It isn't awkward, there's just more.. Tension.
Good tension.
The tension that makes me want to grab her face and make out with it.

Other than that, everything seems to go back to normal. Once again, it's just me and her in our own little world. Just the way it should be.

I sigh happily as I sit down at the bay window. It's been about a week since the incident with Lucas, and all of our scars have faded away. We're different people from the experience, but I think we both learned things about ourselves and each other.

Turning slightly, I look over at Riley with a soft smile on my face. "Riles?" I pipe up, and she immediately looks up and over at me.

"Yes, peaches?" She smiles, as I keep my eyes locked on hers.

Slowly sliding my hand over, I intertwine my fingers with hers and squeeze lightly, before starting.

"I love you, Riley. I've loved you since the moment I crawled through your window, and I can promise that I always will. You mean the world to me, yo-you are my world..." My voice cracks slightly, and I pause as tears start welling up in my eyes.

"Maya.." Riley starts, but I interrupt her, continuing.

"Riley I don't know what's going to happen in the future but I know that I want you right here beside me through all of it. Can you promise me that?" I ask, my eyes wide with hope, glossed over with tears.

Instead of replying, she wraps her arms around my waist and leans in, pressing a kiss to my lips and then resting her forehead against mine. And that answer is good enough for me.

"Thunder." I whisper, watching her lips curl up into a smile.

"Lighting." She murmurs back to me.


"And always."

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