the fallout

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As I sit on my bed, I keep replaying the words over and over in my head.

"But I love Lucas."

The kiss lasted for about 10 seconds, and for me, it was 10 seconds of pure passion and emotions and feelings I couldn't even begin to describe.

I don't know if I can say the same for Riley, though, because she was the one to pull away, a look of pure horror glued to her face. Then, the words.

"But I love Lucas."

They hit me like a knife, and every time I repeat them in my head it's like the knife twisting little by little until there's a gaping hole in my stomach.

I feel empty, really.

After the kiss, she quickly pulled her shirt back on and left me alone in the dressing room. I stood there for a while, waiting until I knew she'd left the store, because I didn't have the courage to face her after what I'd just pulled.

Surely enough, when I walked out 10 minutes later, she was gone. And I haven't talked to her since. It's been a few hours, and she hasn't even texted to make sure I'm alright, which is unusually out of character for her.

With this strange alone time I have, I decide to try and sort through my feelings, something I've been putting off, because I don't want to think about the possibility of me.. liking girls. I've always liked boys. I had a crush on Lucas, Josh..

So why did I get that feeling in my stomach in the changing room? Why did I kiss her?

None of it makes sense.

I just keep repeating the phrase 'you're straight' over and over in my brain, trying to get myself to actually believe it.

I have enough problems as is, I don't need to add liking my straight best friend to the list.

Countless texts and unanswered calls to Riley later, and I'm drained from the sheer agony of the day. I just have to accept the fact she doesn't want to speak to me, and hope with all my being that she'll be in the mood to talk at school tomorrow. After all, homecoming is this weekend and all 4 of us are going in a group. If she's still not talking for me, it will make for quite the uncomfortable night.


The next day at school, I plop down at my desk in history class, my eyes glued to the door as I wait for a familiar face to find her way in.
Only about 15 seconds before the bell, she does.

Riley avoids eye contact as she makes her way to her seat, lowering herself into it and opening up her journal, starting to scribble something down to look busy, even though I know she's just looking for an excuse to not have to talk to or even look over at me.

I try my hardest to focus on whatever Mr. Matthews is preaching about, but I find myself struggling. I've never been one to focus in class, but today is worse. I can't get my mind off of the kiss. It's a mix of emotions, ranging from pure joy, to despair.

If I think about the kiss in itself, I can't keep myself from smiling. It was perfect. Her soft, plump lips against mine, moving in perfect harmony, her hair tickling my cheek, and our hearts beating in time...

But then I think about the abrupt ending, and the words that literally ripped my heart in two.

At the end of class, I jump out of my seat and rush up to Riley's desk before she even has the time to stand. She looks up at me, staring blankly, forcing me to speak first. "Hey, Riles! Can I come over after school? I'm really confused about what we're learning in che-"

"Not today. Sorry." She interjects, leaving my mouth hanging open. She stands up and walks out of the room, and honestly, I don't even know how to process the situation. I know she's
probably as confused about the kiss as I am, but it's not like her to turn me away like that, especially when she knows how much I value spending time with her and the rest of her family.

"Alrighty then.." I murmur under my breath, dragging my backpack by the strap and sulking out of the room.

"Maya!" A deep, country accent calls out, and I know exactly who it is.

The sound of cowboy boots clicking against the tile grows closer and closer until I can practically smell the Texas oozing from him.

Turning on my heels, I put on my best fake smile and am met by none other than Lucas.

My arch nemesis.

... He doesn't know that though.

"Hey, have you talked to Riley? All day she's been acting.. Strange. Did something happen? I remember yesterday she told me y'all were going dress shopping, but after that she wouldn't respond to my texts..." His voice trails off, and I try to find a believe lie to throw at him.

"Her dad yelled at her for buying a dress that was over budget, now she's pissy. You know, typical teenage girl hormones and such." I shrug, praying that he doesn't see right through my story.

He seems to accept it, though, as he lets out a sigh and holds onto his backpack straps. "Alright.. Well, thanks, I guess. See ya around?" He shoots me a crooked smile and then walks off, leaving me alone again.

An exchange with him, as short as it may be, is the hardest thing to endure. Because I know he's the boy that's taken over my beet friend's life, yet there's nothing I can do about it. His smug, confident face, and that stupid accent..

I can see why she's fallen for him, because she's naive. But I can see right through his phony 'good guy' act.

Or maybe this is just the jealousy speaking.

Either way, I sure as hell am not ready to spend an entire night with him and Riley and their young love.


AN: I really adore it when y'all leave comments, because I like to know how I'm doing & if y'all are liking the story. So please do!!! This chapter was kinda boring but homecoming is coming up.. duN dUN DUN!!

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