Baby shopping

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I feel like this story has totally changed on what I wanted it to go.. Like I planed it out but I just went a different direction. I may end it soon and do a new story like this one but not a teacher student! Comment some things I should change


It was now Monday, I haven't talk to my aunt in forever it felt like.. I can't believe she kicked me out of the house she said she would be there for me but hope. Josh was already up and getting ready for work and I was still in bed not wanting to go to school. "Josh do I have to go!!" I said giving him my cute eyes "Yes babe you need to, you only have one more week" he said putting on his tie "But people will notice I am pregnant! I can't really hide it." I said still giving him my sad eyes "Just go please!" He said "Ugh fine!" I said crawling out of bed. "good girl" he said laughing I went to the dresser and pulled out an outfit "i have nothing to wear, guess I can't go" I said shrugging my shoulders. He walked over and pulled out an outfit he knew would fit "Here ya go" he said handing me the outfit "Ugh" I said stomping over to the bathroom to get dressed and stomped back out. "why do you hate me." I said grabbing my bag "I don't hate you" he said walking towards me "Yes you do your forcing me to go to prison!!!" I yelled "Jesus your pregnancy hormones" he laughed "I walked downstairs and went out the door "Ugh you aggravate me!" I screamed I said walking to his car "You know you love me!" He said "Shut up and drive" I said closing the car door.

We made it to my school and he dropped me
Off a little away from the school "Have fun" he said as I slammed the door close "Hush" I said walking to the school door. I was so nervous I knew everyone would see my bump and know I am pregnant. I walked in the door and saw everyone stop and stare and saw people whispering. I was about to cry I felt the tears coming pushing out my eyes I couldn't cry I had to just walk with my head up. "Rowan are you okay?" A familiar voice asked it was Jake "No.." I said I fell into his chest and just started crying which made people stare more "It will be okay. Come on let me take you to your class" he said "Can we just leave?" I asked still balling into his chest "Sure, do you want me to see if Jamie and Shawn to come?" He asked and I nodded. He took at his phone and then 2 minutes later Jamie and Shawn came running towards us. "Rowan are you okay?" Jamie asked "Everyone knows.. They are all staring at me.. They all see my-" I looked down at my stomach which was kinda big. "let's go before we get caught" Jake said. We walked out the door with people still whispering And walked to Jamie's car. "where to now?" Jamie asked "Mall?" Shawn suggest I nodded and she drove towards the mall. I laid my head on jakes shoulder, I knew I couldn't do anything really because Josh but I just needed a brother type friend I guess. I guess I fell asleep because I was being shaken by Jamie "Wake up sleepy head" Jamie laughed "Ugh sorry I haven't gotten much sleep with this baby" I said getting out of the car "I parked in the expecting mothers so you wouldn't have to walk far." She said "Thank you, I know I am not that big but I get tired easily" I said walking to the front door "so how has everything been with it?" She asked "Good I have a doctors appointment soon." I told her "Ah cool when will you be able to find it the gender?" She asked "Well I am about 16 or so weeks so not yet but I think when I get to 26 weeks, but I am not sure" I said "Do you guys mind if we go in some baby stores?" I asked "Not at all" Jake said . We started to walk into a store and started looking at somethings, it was hard to know what I should get since I didn't know the gender. Jake and I were looking at some strollers and car seats and Jamie and Shawn were looking at some socks and hats.

 Jake and I were looking at some strollers and car seats and Jamie and Shawn were looking at some socks and hats

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[What the store looked like}

All the sudden I hear Jamie say something "Oh hey Mr.Grey! What are you doing in a baby store?" I liked over to see Josh looking at diaper bags "Oh no reason just looking at somethings" he said looking at me "Rowan look who I found." She said as I walked towards her "Oh hi Mr.Grey." I said awkwardly I haven't called him that in forever "Hey Rowan, who is this?" He said looking at Jake "Oh sorry I am Jake Rowan and Shawn and Jamie's friend" he said putting out his hand for Josh to shake it which he did "Yeah he went to prom with Rowan" Shawn said "Oh cool, well I have to go back to work." He said "Oh yeah where are you working now?" Jamie asked "At a college" he said "Ah cool well bye!" Jamie said waving to him as he left. "That was awkward" I said walking back to the car seats. I can't believe he was looking at baby stuff it made me happy to see him "Oh my gosh I love this one! And it is on sale should I buy it?" I said pointing to a cute. It was black and white and looked very cushiony. "you should buy it! It is only $80 which is that much and I could her you out if you need any with the price" Jake said "Aw no you don't have too" I said grabbing the car seat "I want to" he said "Okay but I will pay you back whatever you pay!" I said walking over to blankets "I should get a blanket to go with it." I grabbed a black blanket with white arrows "Perfect!" I said and walked to the cash register "Is that all for you?" The cashier asked "Yes" I said putting the stuff of the counter. "it will be $70 dollars" she said "Only 70? I am not complaining but isn't the car seat $80 and the blanket $10" I said "Oh well teens get $10 off" she said "Oh okay, well here is the $70" I said handing her the money, Jake payed for only 10 because that is all I let him "Would you like a receipt?" I nodded and she handed it too me "Now where too?" Jamie asked "Um I am ready to go home, being pregnant is so tiring" I said "Do you want me to take you home?" Jamie said "no you guys keep shopping, I am going to get a ride from a friend. I feel bad for making you guys leave" I said "Okay, well text me when you get home." Jamie said "I will" I said hugging them. I pulled out my phone and texted Josh

Can you pick me up?
Can't your boyfriend take you?!
Well that is what i am trying to see
No that Jake kid..
He isn't my are
Then why the hell did you go to prom with him
I didn't even know I was..Jamie just told me last minute. Can you come pick me up or not?
Fine be there in 5

Gosh he was so annoying sometimes.. Why the hell did he get jealous he knew I was with him so I don't get why he said Jake was my boyfriend. About 6 minutes later I got a text he was here and walked to his car and put the car seat and blanket in the back and got in the front. "What is that?" He asked "A car seat and blanket for the baby." I said "Shouldn't we gotten it together?" He asked "Yes but it was on sale and I didn't want the sale to end so I bought it.. Anyway it is a car seat" I said "Okay.. Next time let me see it before you buy it. It is my child" he said driving off "I know it is" I said with a little bit of an attitude "Someone is cranky" he said "Yes I am! U have had the worst day today.. I went to school and walked in for 5 minutes in left because people kept whispering at me and staring at me and calling me a slut! And then you get all pissy at me because Jake." I said with more of an attitude "Sorry!" He said, the rest of the way home was quite no one said anything. That was our first little fight type thing ever.

I am going to start my new book! So if you want go read that, I will keep you updated on it and such 💜 don't forget to vote and comment and share

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