Don't Die

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This chapter is going to be good guys! Lots of love and emotion and drama!! I will put a picture above later! Enjoy the story 💜


"Sara" I whispered while on the phone with who
I thought was Josh. "Rowan... Something happened to.." all of a sudden she paused and stop talking I could hear in her voice that she was crying "What?" I asked "Something happened to Josh" she said now balling "Sara What happened to him" I said trying not to start crying. "He went looking for you and got in a car crash..Can you please just come to the ho-hospital?" She asked "Yes I will be there in a few." After I said that I hung up the phone and went and grabbed my purse and keys. And walked out of the apartment and straight to where my car was and started to drive. Right when I got in the car I started to cry harder and harder. He was looking for me it was my fault.

I pulled up at the hospital and went into looking like crap. My hair was in a messy bun and I had a pair of joggers and a big shirt. I went up to the closest nurse and asked "What room is Josh Grey!" I was balling so I hope she understood what I said. "Who are you?" She asked "I am his fucking mothers baby! His girlfriend where is HE!" I screamed "Please calm down I will take you to him. You need to calm down or you will hurt the baby!" She said looking at my stomach "I will when I see him!" I said back getting mad now "Okay follow me"  we went down to the hallway which I remembered, this was where my parents were taken when they got in there accident... room number 256. That was the worst day of my life i saw them in the the hospital bed and saw them all hooked up to wires and on life support... I will never forget my dad told me "Rowan I love you if I don't make it I love you and so does your mom" after he told me that he let go of my hand and died... he was the last one to die, my mom wasn't wearing a seatbelt and flew and hit the windshield...
"Here he is, he is in a coma and is in critical condition but he can still hear and feel you." She paused "Please try to help him fight it. Give him hope" she told me while walking away. I looked at the room number to remember it and it say 256 my mother and fathers room. "Rowan" Sara said whipping her tears "Are you okay?" She added "No this was my parents room. They were in a car crash and this was the room where they were placed in.. they died here" I started crying harder and slid down the wall or tired to my big baby bump stoped me. "I am sorry" she said rubbing my shoulder. I got up and walked in and saw him hooked up to wires, he looked just like my parents. "Can I be in here alone?" I asked and she nodded and walked out and shut the door "Hey Josh. It is Rowan I am here.. I am so sorry I left you, if I didn't.." I paused to try to not cry even more and control it. I grabbed his hand it rested it on mine "Then you wouldn't have died... none of this would of happened.. please don't go.. don't leave me, you are all I have. You know my parents died in a car crash." I paused "In this room. I can't lose another person that means so much to me." I put my free hand onto my stomach "This baby needs his amazing father too. He cannot grow up without a dad he needs you." I took his hand and placed it onto my stomach and let him feel my stomach even though I wasn't sure if he knew what it was "That's your baby in there, he needs you, we need you." Out of nowhere the baby started to kick and kick right where his hand was. "Josh do you feel that, he knows you are there he is telling you that you need to fight threw this and be with us." A tear rolled down my cheek and landed onto his hand "I love you. I will never leave you again I was so stupid. When you wake up I am moving back to your house if you will let me" I said putting his hand back on the hospital bed and putting my hand underneath it "And Sara will never ruin our relationship. Nothing can I was being selfish I wasn't even thinking about our baby boy." I smiled "I love you" I rested my head on his chest or attempted too. Then I felt his hand intertwine with him hand and his fingers as well. He was holding my hand he was alive her heard everything "Sara! Call a nurse!" I screamed so she could hear me. I heard his scream nurse. I looked over to Josh and saw his eyes opening. I wasn't going to lose him "Baby I am right here" I told him. A nurse ran into the room with a doctor right behind her "His eyes are open and he is holding my hand" I told them "This is amazing!" The doctor said.

That was when I was waken from my dream. I saw Sara sitting on the chair in the corner where I was right next to Josh. "your awake. Finally" Sara said "I fell asleep?" I asked "Yup after you got done talking to him you fell asleep." She told me "Oh long have I been asleep?" I asked "About 3 hours" she said looking at her watch. "ok." I replied "I am going to get food do you want anything?" She asked and I nodded no. "okay bye" she said waving and I waved back. She finally left the room "Josh please just wake up. Please fight for Alex and Me" I said kissing his cheek.

1 week later

It has been a week since he got into the car crash, he was still in a coma and still haven't made any progress. I stayed with him for all the time I never left. "Guess what Josh, I am now 33 weeks" I said laughing and crying "Our baby boy is big" I picked up his hand and placed it onto my stomach "You see" I said moving his hand around my baby bump "Baby" I heard another voice say. "I looked up and saw Josh's eyes open and his mouth trying to move. I knew this wasn't and dream. I clicked the button to call a nurse and they ran In "What seem-" she looked over at Josh and say his eyes open "I will get the doctor" she said walking out "Josh baby I am right here" I told him I grabbed his hand and he squeezed it. The nurse soon walked in with the doctor "Josh you are okay don't freak out, we are going to check somethings." They took him out of the room and left me sitting there with the nurse. "whatever you did sweetie you did a good job. We didn't think he would make it. He almost didn't you saved his life." She told me


I cried writing this ops and I am on the bus this is such a great chapter I think the best one I have written. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed

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