The Ex

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I feel like this story is more about teen pregnancy than the teacher student relationship but I have an idea to make it more about the teacher student! But it won't come until like a few more chapters I added a picture of his ex

I was 25 weeks. I was about to find the gender of the baby inside of me. A little person inside of me just sitting there in my tummy growing and is relying on me to give it life to keep it healthy. I was getting ready to go I had on some leggings because that was the only thing that fit that looked decent and a big white tee, Josh was wearing his suit that he wears to his work since he has just got off from break. "Are you almost ready?" He asked poking his head into the bathroom "Almost just have to finish my makeup and hair" I said applying some powder and eyeshadow "Babe you don't need to wear makeup you look beautiful with out it" he said wrapping his arms around my waist "Yes I do I am breaking out from this pregnancy" I replied finishing my makeup and moving onto my hair "No you don't, now come on we are going to be late" he said walking out of the bathroom. I threw my hair in a messy bun and grabbed my purse and walked down the stairs. I kinda walked funny because I wasn't use to a baby bump so Josh always laughed when I walked downstairs "Don't laugh try having a human the size of a cauliflower  inside of you!" I said walking out the door. Josh locked the door and ran and opened the door for me, I got in and closed the door and Josh got in on the other side "Today we will be able to find the gender right?" He asked pulling out of the driveway "Yes we should. We could of figured it out when I was 20 weeks but I was in the hospital and they wanted me to rest." I told him. I was so nervous about finding out about what gender the baby was. I kinda want a girl so I can have someone to go shopping with and spoil but then I want a boy so he can be a mom's boy. "what do you want the gender to be?" I asked looking over at him "I would like a boy, so I can teach him how to play sports and have someone to watch the football games with me and stuff. What about you?" He said  I looked down and rubbed my tummy "I want a girl. I want to be able to go shopping with her and spoil her, but whatever we have i will still love them." 

We made it to the doctors office and got out and signed in. My heart was racing, my hands were sweaty I was so nervous to know the gender. I wanted a girl but I wanted a girl. I was excited too I couldn't wait to see what my little baby's gender was. "Do you want me to come in with you?" Josh asked I guess he was nervous "Yes I would like but if you don't want too you don't have too." I said rubbing my tummy "Yes I want too" he said placing his hand onto my stomach.  While we waited a mom walked in she was huge probably close to her due date. She was beautiful she had Blonde hair and blue eyes. Nobody was with her though she was all alone. "oh my gosh." I heard Josh whisper and him out his head down. I looked over and asked him "What is wrong?" He told me to hush and told me "that girl right there is my ex.." He said sneakily pointing to the blonde hair lady. "Oh" I whispered She walked over and sat right next to Josh. Awkward. Josh looked up and saw she was right next to him. "can we move?" He asked I nodded and we stood up but before we could walk we heard his name " Josh? Is that you??" The blonde lady asked "Oh hey Sara" he said turning around awkwardly "Hey I haven't seen you in a while. What are you doing here?" She asked "Oh you know just here seeing the gender of
Our baby" he said pulling me close to his waist. Her face went from a smile to a frown "Oh that is cool" she said "Well nice talking to you" Josh said turnoff around and walking with me to sit down. We sat down and waited for my name to be called, but sitting there Sara kept staring us down and giving me a evil look. "Rowan And Josh" the nurse said we got up and walked to the door and walked to our room "The doctor will be in here in a minute please just lay down and lift your shirt up a little. I did as she said lifting my shirt only to expose my belly. A few minutes lady the doctor walked in. "Hello Josh and Rowan, are you guys ready to see your baby?" She asked "Yes! I am so nervous but excited because can't we see the gender of the baby?" I asked her and she nodded. She applied a gel on my stomach which was cold and placed the machine thing on my stomach and move it around. "first we can will let you guys hear the heartbeat" she said pushing buttons on the machine. I felt Josh's hand tighten around mine. She turned the sound on and we could hear it. {play the video} Thump thump thump. I felt a tear escape my eyes. I can't believe i was having s baby that there was a little human inside me that it is living that it's heart is beating. "Now are you guys ready to know the gender?" She asked "Yes!" We both said together. A few minutes after her moving it and finding the right position she told us "Your having a baby.."


Cliffhanger!! Hahaha I planed that so well anyway today is 9/11 so I just want to remember all the people who were killed that day and all of the family's that were hurt from the loss of there friends and family 💜
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