Chapter 20.

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Remember, the story Paparazzi does not connect to this book at all, just that I'm using the character Noelle in this. :)

Here's Chaptah 20 yo


- BritishBums xox



- Blue -


I'm not going mad. I'm just showing Harry what I'm surely capable of doing, so he shouldn't mess with me.

Wow that sounded so sassy.

Am I that sassy? Ugh.

I decided to finally attend classes today, me walking to my Physics class.

As soon as I walked in, all eyes were on me as I gulped.

"Miss Anderson. We haven't seen you in awhile. Come, take a seat." Mrs. Green nods, motioning.

I plastered a smile on my face, me sitting in the only empty seat in the back.. Nsxt to Dylan.


Stiffening as I sat down, I could feel his stare burning right through me.

"I'm so sorry, Blue.."

"You dont need to apologize because it's over." I muttered, opening my textbook and flipping to the right page.

Looking up at the board, I ignored him completely as I could see this sad look on his face.

"I know it was a mistake, Blue. Please." He whispered.

"Haven't you heard? I'm in a fucking relationship."

A fake one. I thought.

"I know, I know.. But--"

"Miss Anderson. Could you please recite the pothagorian formula."

"Pleasure." I try my best to not sound so sarcastic, as I easily say it off the top of my head.

"Thank you." Mrs. Green smiles icily before turning back to the board to jot it down, and she continues her usual lecture.

Well what am I supposed to do now? I know every single thing she's talking about. Not to brag.

A paper is slid into my desk, a folded one.

Dylan quickly withdraws his hand, looking up at the board right after.

Sighing, my shoulders slouched, my posture quite unattractive.

As I unfolded the note, the words became clearer and clearer to my eyes.

"I'm so sorry.. Just please, hear me out. Meet me at the back of the campus after class."

I glared at him, but he purposely didn't look back.

Tucking the note in between the pages of my textbook, I shut it, looking back up at the board, and tried my best to pay some close attention..

To something I already had the knowledge to.





- Harry -



"Molly?.." I guessed her name, earning an easy slap on the face.

P.S. I Hate You (Harry Styles)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang