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I quickly fumble to get my phone out of my pocket and pull up my texts with....



Come back



After I send the text I walk over to the couch at the back of the bathroom. I collapse down, slouching immensely because I'm a professional couch potato and groan.

He's not coming back.

I look to the ceiling. How the fuck could I be so stupid. I literally referred to hiM as Bieber MULTIPLE FUCKING TIMES UGH. I slap my forehead with my hand. So that explains why he didn't want to meet me.



No it fucking doesn't.

What? Was he thinking I was just going to scream and ask for a picture then split? Maybe ask him to buy my a pony? Tell the whole world I'm best friends with pop sensation, Justin Bieber?


I mean, maybe the pony... but I'm not about to treat him any differently???? Well NOW I am. Where's the fucking trust Justin?? You wrote a whole song about it that made me want to orgasm and cry at the same time!!!! but that's besides the point....

Where's the fucking trust asshole???

Mid- thought the door opens and I spring my head up abruptly, still slouching into the next oblivion with my hand on my forehead.

"Grace..." he says.

"No, you be quiet," his eyes widen, he wasn't not expecting what I had just instructed him to come out of my mouth obviously, "just answer this, did you not want to meet because of who you are?"

He nods.

"Right," I stand up and make my way towards the door to leave. I don't want to flip out on him, and that's what's going to happen if I stay here any longer.

"Wait," he says as he grabs a hold of my arm. I stare for a second. I didn't expect this to be our first physical interaction. I thought we'd hug. Maybe fuck, idk.

"So," I say pulling myself from his tight grasp, "you thought that because you're this huge pop star, Id treat you differently or something?"

He stares at me for a moment, "well thats kinda what's happening right now, isn't it?"

I widen my eyes. No he fucking did not. I point my finger at him, I'm fucking pissed.

"No, thats not what's happening right now," I say slowly, "I'm treating you differently right now because you're a fucking liar, not because you're Justin Bieber, you asshole."

I turn again to leave, fucking YES. You are JUSTIN BIEBER. YES, I think that's a bit cool. But NO, fucking idgaf who you are. Don't be a dick face, and I won't treat you THAT FUCKING DIFFERENTLY.

And don't RUN AWAY FROM ME????!?!?!!!!!!??!?!?

He stops me again. Fucking stop me one more time asshole, I dare you.

"I never lied to you," he says standing in front of the door, holding my shoulders and I cock my head forward with a disgusted and confused look. Like that da faq face. Hold up lemme find a pic.

 Hold up lemme find a pic

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