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Heyo. It's me. The superstar.

Lol I kid.

But for real tho. It's been a week since I recorded that song and I still haven't decided what I want to do. It hasn't been released yet, but I've been offered to be signed by DEF FUCKING JAM RECORDS. Bitch gtfo honestly what is my life. Basically, Justin's been super duper supportive and was a sneaky bitch and pitched my work in progress of a song to the CEO. He liked me apparently. Bc I'm likeable n shit ay.

I've told my parents about it and they think I'm nuts for not taking it. Of course they're in the 'industry' or what ever so it's not completely fucken weird and shit. They're used to paparazzi or whatever I guess so it ain't THAT big of a deal. I mean it is but like it's not stupid to them I suppose???? Idk I talk funny when I drink red bull and I had 2 already.

Today is the day I decide what I wanna do.

Easy peasy.




I mean this isn't GTA bitch. I can't just go make a life changing decision and then realise I've fucked up so I go jump of a building and die so I can reset. That's not how life works, man. If I do this and I end up hating the limelight, wtf do I do then. Like, I love limes. They're delicious. My dad loves them in coronas yeah. But idk how I feel about being the light of one, ya feel.

"Whatcha thinking about, dude," Justin says, interrupting but highly logical thoughts about citrusy fruits. We're currently sitting at a McDonalds. SHOCKER. Justin's got a hoodies and sunglasses on so he looks like a crack addict. But he doesn't attract any attention so what the hell.

"What it would be like to kiss you," oh how I love to torment.

"You know, one of these days, you are going to develop serious feelings for me and I'm not going to believe you when you try to hit on me," he says pointing a chip at me. I stare at it for a moment as he keeps it in place before I take a bite.

"In your dreams, bieby," oh yeah, that's the nickname I gave him. It's like baby but not. Needless to say, he hates it. But he stopped trying to resists it a while ago.

"Okay, time to cut the shit, my love," I widen my eyes. He's onto me shiiiiiiit.

"I don't know what your talking about," I say avoiding eye contact as I reach for another chip and eat it.

"Fine, I'll help you, okay?" I turn to him, waiting to hear what he has to say. Yeah he keeps telling me to take the offer and ride with him on the motorbike of fame and richness and whatever, but I got a feeling he's about to give me legit advice, "what are 5 reasons you should take the offer."

Interesting. Okay let's see now....

"Reason number 1, I've always wanted to be a singer," he nods.

"Reason number 2, we can go out in public together like normal people," I furrow my eyebrows at him as he smirks, but he's right so we deal.

"Number 3, the opportunities will be incredible. I'll get to meet so many new people and go to events and what not," I add.

"4, you're incredibly likeable and funny and you have an endless amount of great qualities. You'll be easy to love," that made me blush. But, as you know, compliments are just not my thing. I push him slightly and he chuckles, "I only speak the truth."

"Thank you but also fuck you, you know how I get," he embraces me in a hug.

"I know, I know"

"Okay you can get off me now, Bieby," I softly push him off before I speak again, "5, I could meet Beyoncé."

Justin puckers his lips as he looks off into the distance and nods.

"Fair enough, okay now give me 5 reasons not to take the offer," I pause for a second. This was already notably harder than picking 5 reasons to go for it. Damn it, Justin. You've done something smart and logical for once.

"Number 1, no privacy," he nods but doesn't speak, obviously not wanting to contribute.

"Number 2..." I pause for a while, "I....." he leans in, waiting for an answer, "I have to hang out with you more."

"You Bitch," he says as he playfully pushes me and I laugh.

"Kidding! Okay, okay, I get what your saying," I say as I scratch my head and take another chip. I take my time eating, attempting to savour my final thought before I gave him my final decision. I could feel him staring at me as well which was annoying but understandable, I suppose, "okay, fine, I'll do it," I say looking back to him with a weary look in my eyes.

His eyes widened before he stood up, picking me up with him and spun me around in circles with me in his arms, "yes yes YES!"

This outburst caused a few people to turn and Justin out me down, "she said yes!" He says and I turn to him quickly with a glare. What a rat. The people watching then started to clap for us, thinking he had just proposed and I had accepted. Fine, if that's the way you wanna play it, let's go Jay.

I smile, playing along, as I turn to him with an innocent and yet totally guilty smile. He cocks his eyebrow at me, knowing I'm up to something. Too bad. I place my hands on his stomach as I slowly move them upwards onto his chest and I lean in real close. My hands snake up around his shoulders and behind his neck as I pull myself even closer and I can feel the goosebumps form on his body. Yeees. I leave a lingering kiss on his cheek and I can feel his jaw tense. His arms remain by his side, frozen. I'm pressed up close enough to feel something grow harder and harder near my lower region. Once I'm satisfied with his silent response I pull away and take his hand before exiting the McDonald's. Once outside, he stops.

"Grace! Why did you do that?" I smirk.

"I'd like to ask you the same question, hubby," he avoids eye contact.

"Touché....." he says, defeated, and we walk to the car, "so are you going to help me get rid of this?" He says pointing to his boner and I scoff. I find it hilarious that I can affect him like that and I didn't really do that muck. I guess I just make him feel some type a way.... oops. Shit man, I'm evil.

"In your dreams, my love"

Texts | Justin Bieber ✔️Where stories live. Discover now