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I take a deep breath before following Justin and putting my glasses back on. Is this where I die? Should I send a quick text to my mum saying I love her?

Oh Grace, stop being over dramatic, what's the worst that can happen? Fuck did I just jinx my self?

Justin slides his shades on as well and he opens his arm out as we approach the door. I move into him and his arm wraps around my shoulder protectively and tightly. Yes daddy.

I mean thanks Justin buddy, fuck...

Mikey gives us a quick nod before he opens the door. I hadn't realised how quiet the restaurant was or how soundproof the glass was until he did that. All I could hear was camera clicking and foot stomping and people yelling mine and Justin's name. Why are there so many people here? Mikey pushed through the people and Justin as I moved closely behind him. People occasionally clawed at us and grabbed parts of our clothing which all seemed fucked at first, until I was FORCEFULLY REMOVED FROM JUSTINS GRIP AND PICKED UP BY A GROWN MAN WITH A HAT AND SUNGLASSES ON, making the grabbing and what not seem innocent as SHIT.

(Picture Gigi hadids attack in Paris)

"What the fuck?!" I yell as I elbow the stranger in the head. Everything is happening too quickly, but I can see Justin attempting to push his way through back to me. The guy puts me down quickly after that nasty blow to the head I just gave him and he attempts to run away. I turn around, I'm not finished with this fucking prick BITCH HOW DARE YOU VIOLATE ME LIKE THAT. And then THINK YOU CAN JUST WALK AWAY. No way buddy, ur fucked actually.

"Who the FUCK ARE YOU?" I go to grab his shoulder but I'm lifted into the air by Mikey, trying to pull me back. Yeah, I'm low key thankful for him restraining me but someone go RIP THAT GUYS DICK OFF FOR ME WILL YOU DAMN.

Like SHIT Mikey DAMN.

"Who the FUCK ARE YOU?! You piece of SHIT!" I say, still trying to claw my way back to the fuckwit dick face sexist ass wipe misogynistic prick. But Mikey has me in too strong of a hold to give that fucker what he deserves. He puts me down in front of the car and opens the door for me, I turn to him as I get in and he gives me a both sympathetic look and yet an angry one. Most likely anger for my attacker. He closes the door behind me and the silence is almost deafening. I mean, it's not that silent, it's still noisy from outside, but so much quieter compared to out there. A few seconds, if not immediately after the door is shut after me, I look outside to find Justin in an up brawl. FUCK JUSTIN!

I attempt to open my door frantically but tHE MOTHER FUCKING CHILD LOCK IS ON.


From what I can see Justin has his hands gripped onto the pricks shir. He must've just gotten to him. YAS bitch fucking TAKLE HIM GO HAM BABY beat his DICK in. But before he can take his well deserved swing, Mikey grabs him and pulls him back to the car.


I quickly slide to the opposite side so he has room and it instantly becomes as loud as it once was when the door is opened.

"Mikey PLEASE!" Justin shouts as Mikey forces him into the car. Yeah Mikey PLEASE.

"Justin you can't," he says in a moderate tone and I find my self nodding for some reason. I guess I'm thankful for Mikey because if we did lay a hand on that guy we most likely would have been taken to court, regardless of how much he deserved it. And don't even get me started on the fucking press...

The door is quickly shut and Mikey gets into the passenger seat in the front before we drive away, leaving Justin's Range Rover behind.

I'm stiff, and currently facing forward. Shaking slightly with my fists clenched so tight I feel as though my skin with split at any moment.

I'm literally the biggest feminist of you hadn't already noticed.. Can you even imagine how violated and furious I am right now??

All I can hear is a high pitched tone. You know in the movies, when a bomb goes off near the character and all they can hear is a ringing of some sort. That's all I can hear. For a good few seconds anyway.

"Grace.. Gray? Grace baby?" I can slowly start to hear and I turn my head to Justin. He's shaking my hand that's placed on my leg and his expression is a look of worry and fury all mixed into one. I'd obviously been zoned out.

"Huh?" I say.

"Are you okay?" He says, now holding my hand.

"Yeah, just angry," he nods. Mikey then turns around from the front.

"Grace, I'm sorry I pulled you away like that, just understand that I needed to stop you from-" he looks worried. I don't know why, I'm so thankful for him right now. I cut him off.

"Mikey, Mikey, I know! Thank you," he looks shocked at first and stayed silent for a moment until he nods and faces back to the windscreen.

"Just know that I'll fucking kill that prick if I see him again," he says quietly and I can't help but smile.

"I wish you would have let me..." Justin says and I turn to him. He's facing forward with a frown and he's doing that thing that both Justin and I have a habit of where we bounce our right leg up and down during times of stress and what not. I find my self creeping over to Justins seat to place a kiss on his cheek for trying to help me in my quest to kill the cunt. Excuse my language. He turns a subtle pink and looks down at his legs before turning to me and smiling. Which I return happily as I see his legs slows down in movement until it eventually sits normally.

"Love you," I whisper, holding my closed mouth smile. He moves over into the middle seat to embrace me with a tight side hug and I close my eyes as he kisses my forehead.

"I'm sorry"


Thanks for 7k brothaaaassss

Thanks for 7k brothaaaassss

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