Part 36

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Hiii readers...
Here it goes the awaited part....
My first mature content..... :p

Ruthless Obsession

" woww... we just reached our bungalow...!!  I mean.., it's too early...!!"
.......exclaimed lathika.., seeing the entrance gates of the villa..

" we have been walking from the past 30 minutes..., lathika...!!"
.......Nivaan teased  her in a lil loud tone.

Lathika.., then left his hand.., which he was holding since then.., and said..,

" Nivaan sir...!!  Do u  really keep a count of every thing??!! "
.......she tilted his head and folded her hands lyk Nivaan does every tym...

Nivaan really felt surprised seeing this new transformation in lathika...,in the past few hours.., they had spent together...

She reached her comfort zone in talking to him vthout any filters..., n this really left Nivaan speech less ....

He just stared her imitating him.., for quite some time..., and before he could respond her...,his mobile vibrated in his coat pocket...

Nivaan lifted it up...,fixing his view on lathika ...

Seeing Rohit kapoor's number on the display...,
Nivaan looked at lathika for once and said...,

" I really need to take this call...!! You pls go inside... i will be back in few minutes.."

Lathika..., just smiled at him.., thinking something and soon went towards their room...

Nivaan : yes... Mr. Rohit kapoor..!! Hwz ur shimla trip??!!
.......Nivaan asked vth a formal smile on his face and sat on the couch in the hall..

Rohit : Nivaan.., i need your help...!!
Actually.., i started from my cottage this evng in my car to buy some handicrafts...!!
Bt i had lost my way now...!!
N this GPS sucks..., at this hour...
I tried calling my local guide..., bt hez nt lifting any of my calls...
Can u pls help me vth the way...??!!
.......Rohit's voice seemed restless  and he desperately needed some one to help him out..

Nivaan listened to him patiently and   sat  erect on his couch trying to understand his state of mind...

" Mr. Rohit..., just tell me where you are...??  Or atleast any sign boards .., local stores near there..,anything would help..."

Rohit : i donnoo... it's so dark here and it's a ghat road...!!  Can't see anything clear from here...

Nivaan thought for a while..., remembering the route map of shimla ghat roads and it soon striked him...

Nivaan  : okay... fine...!!  I think i got you..!!  You must  on the second lane..!!

Mr. Rohit.., just turn towards the right of you where u can see a  long route  and it ends to the highway...!! 
From there...,i guess..., u can make ur way to the cottage..!!
.........said Nivaan and closed his eyes..., imagining the road map which he once lost before..

Rohit kept the call on hold for a while and he finally reached the highway..., by following Nivaan's directions...

" Ohh.... Thank god...!! I got my way again...!!
N thanku soo much Nivaan..!!  I could have lost in that road if u didnt helped me now..."

........ thanked rohit.., vth genuine pleasure in his tone...

Nivaan : well.., u dnt have to thank me for that Rohit...!! It's my responsibility i feel...
......he said and cut the call...

Ruthless Obsession                                                  (Completed)√Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz