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i sighed, walking into the hall for the first assembly of the year.

we have these every year, and each year, if possible, each assembly just gets even longer and more boring.

"pupils are forbidden to have a romantic relationship with a teacher." i rolled my eyes at the familiar line, said every year, despite it being the most unlikely thing to think of, due to the majority of our teachers being old and boring.

"any use of drugs is intolerable, and being on school premises under the influence of alcohol will have serious consequences." i sighed, listening to the headmaster drone on for another hour, the new year sevens looking terrified.

one of my friends leaned over and whispered, "this is the last time we'll ever hear this bullshit, one more year in this hell hole." and i laughed, smiling to her.

i'm in year 13, upper sixth, or 12th grade, which means that i don't ever have to sit through this assembly again after today.

"there's a new sports teacher starting today, i think we have him." chloe, one of my close friends, stated eagerly as we walked to pe.

of course, they have to give us sport as our first lesson on a monday morning.
what were they thinking?

"probably another old pedophile." i grin, rolling my eyes as she does the same.

"probably." she agrees, before stopping dead in her tracks and putting a hand on my arm, causing my confused head to snap up, glancing at her.

she nudged me and i looked at who she was showing me, noticing who i presumed the new sports teacher was, except we'd been wrong.

he wasn't old, but he was pretty hot.

dirty blonde, almost silver, hair framed his face, effortlessly styled up into a messy, soft quiff.

"dibs." i grinned and she playfully shoved me as we started walking again so that he wouldn't notice us staring.

"i bet he goes after anna." chloe scoffed.

annabel, or anna as she prefers, is a girl in our year, who's popular, but quite a (fake and annoying) bitch.

"nah, i bet anna goes after him." i corrected, chloe nodding with a smirk on her lips.

"hi, girls. i'm mr minter." the new teacher started, when we walked outide, and there were a few mumbled responses, causing him to chuckle at our lack of enthusiasm, "i'm just here for a gap year." he explained.

his laugh brought a smile to my lips,
shit, could get used to seeing and hearing that.

"this half-term we're doing badminton." mr minter said, and we rolled our eyes, "but first, please go round and tell me all of your names."



"leah." i said, and i could have sworn that mr minter smirked as his eyes trailed over me.

"thanks, sir." most of us smiled as we left the sports hall to get changed again.

badminton hadn't been as boring as we'd all expected, as he let us choose our own partners, of course i was with chloe, and he pretty much let us do whatever we wanted, within badminton.

"he's hot." chloe whined to me quietly, once we'd reached the changing rooms, regarding mr minter.

"he's also a teacher." i teased, nudging her playfully.

"oh, shut up, you couldn't keep your eyes off him. i've never seen you play so well." chloe retorted happily and i laughed, rolling my eyes.

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