Hello, Old Home

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The Guardian

I glance over at Rachel in question.

If I am being completely honest, this whole situation seems bizarre to me. First, Armin and his friends are way older, and second– I'm currently making my journey home alongside a winged girl. I am surprised to learn that she was once able to fly, but now I am more aware of the fact that she relies heavily on the Maneuvering Gear. I focus my full attention back on Rachel as she begins to speak.

"When I was just a girl, my parents were murdered while I was out playing with my friends. It was really tough seeing them in that state, but I didn't have long to dwell on it before I was... taken by the same men who had committed the crime. For years I was kept imprisoned, and the people experimenting on me intended to use me as a weapon. Eventually I managed to escape, and decided to spend the rest of my days outside the walls after the Military Police began to pursue me in the streets." I nod, feeling empathy for the girl beside me. "Soon enough, the Survey Corps invited me to take refuge within the walls once again."

"The same thing happened to me, except I went inside the walls on my own." We walk on in silence, the trees slowly becoming larger as I approach the familiar environment. I glance at Rachel through the corner of my eye, watching as she smiles and glances up at the trees towering above us. She begins to pull ahead slightly, and I can tell she is excited to see the Forest of Giant Trees. Her wings, which are folded dormant against her back, begin to twitch and flutter randomly, expressing her excitement without words. I take a moment to observe the feathered appendages, and imagine what they would have looked like had they been white in color, as Rachel once said they were.  It would be incredible to see her in flight.  I chuckle at the thought.

"It is incredible that you can fly. I am sorry for what those men did to you– but isn't it amazing, being able to soar freely as you do?" The woman stops and glances over her shoulder, both me and her wings within her line of vision.

"Of course it was." As we reach the edge of the trees Rachel stops and closes her eyes. Her coal-black wings spread slowly outward, revealing their massive span as a smile stretches across her face. "The wind in my hair, the feeling of no ground beneath my feet... It truly was breathtaking." The smile slowly disappears, and Rachel opens her eyes, though her wings remained outstretched. "But I do not regret using my power to help a friend– that I know for certain."

"Well, maybe you will be able to fly again." I smile reassuringly at her. "I know that, when I made my decision to travel to the walls protecting humanity, I was definitely not used to the feeling of being human again. It felt so foreign to be so tiny and vulnerable." I smile as I gesture for her to step back. "And now, I believe it's time to return to my Titan form." Rachel's eyes widen in understanding before she turns and takes a few steps back, far out of range for the blast of lightening which is about to be summoned.

I will help Rachel fly again... Help Rachel fly again... Help Rachel... Keeping this goal firmly in my mind, I bite down on my outer palm, just below my thumb. A familiar surge of power greets my action, and I close my eyes as a flash of light illuminates the area around me. Feeling my feet leave the ground for a moment, I open my eyes to be greeted by the lower branches of one of the towering trees. Raising my hand to examine it, I am pleasantly surprised to see that the appendage is covered in muscle.

I am back. The Guardian has returned to the forest.

I glance down to spot Rachel in a crouched position, her wings curling around her defensively. Being so large now, I am able to observe her form more clearly as a spectator, and her wings are massive.  Compared to her tiny form, the appendages are clear and precise, and I can get a clear view of the fact that they are much larger than her actual body.  I kneel and wave to the girl, indicating that I have control over my form. She slowly raises herself, tentatively calling,

"Spark?"  I nod, producing a loud, deep chuckle that rang through the air.  Reaching down, I extend my hand and gesture for her to climb on my palm.  She does so, hesitance still present in her actions, and I raise her gently until she is eye-level with me.  She lets out a breathless laugh as she stares at me.

   "Wow...  I've never seen a Titan Shifter that can control their abilities as well as Eren is able.  He isn't even able to fully control his abilities from time to time– though such times are rare."  I nod, absorbing her words.  So Eren has gained better control of his abilities since the fight with Annie?  It makes sense, since I was trapped in the crystallized diamond for a long time...

   Noticing my sudden silence, Rachel speaks up.

   "Are you alright, Spark?"  I nod, shaking my thoughts away as I stand and stride into the forest, the familiar sights, sounds, and smells greeting me. When I finally arrive at a familiar place where I used to stay, I smile in nostalgia. The entrance is hidden fairly well and barely noticeable, built only so a trained eye is able to spot it after much practice.  I gently set Rachel down in favor of parting the trees that naturally curve inward to hide the grotto from prying eyes. As I let Rachel enter before me, she gasps in surprise.

Before us is a large meadow, flowers blooming in patches along the ground and a small lake nestled along one corner of the grotto. The place is tucked right against the edge of a small cliff– one that is smaller than my Titan form, but still concealed between the cliffside and the group of gnarled trees surrounding it. I look down as I hear Rachel's soft exclamation of surprise.

"It's beautiful." I nod and walk forward, kneeling down and shifting back into my human form before turning back to face Rachel.  Being human for so long has made the change in form a bit dizzying, so I decide to remain in my human for for a bit.  Plus, I remind myself, better to keep Rachel company.

"All right, we should get some rest before tomorrow. Big day ahead of us– or more specifically, you." She looks at me in confusion.

"What are the plans for tomorrow?"  Rachel tilts her head innocently, and I tie my hair back out of my face once more so she is able to clearly depict the sincerity in my eyes.

"We're going to help you fly again."

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