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"Good morning class, I'm Mr. Styles." Coach Styles greets the sleep deprived students. "As you can tell, I am your new math teacher and also the girls volleyball coach."

"It's only the third week of school." someone blurts out. "What did Coach Gregory do?" the boy laughs.

"I can't discuss that with you." Coach says sternly.

"How old are you?" a girl in the front asks. "You look our age."

Coach chuckles, leaning against his desk. "All I'll tell you is that I've done my four years of college, but I'm still in school for training."

"Where are you from?" another person asks.

"Short answer, England." he states. "Anymore questions?"

About half of the class raises their hands. I roll my eyes, laying my head on my hands as this went on for a while. I sat in the back corner of class, so I had a great view of everything. The girls had wide and hungry eyes for him and the guys were just distracting him so he wouldn't teach a lesson.

"Okay that's enough for now." he laughs. "I want to get to know your names and an interesting fact about you."

He points at the first student in the first row and went down the line. It was coming to my turn and I was becoming nervous. I hated speaking in front of my classes, especially if I don't really talk in them.

"Alright Rylee, you're turn." he says, staring at me from across the room. "Does everyone know Rylee?" coach asks and there was a mixture of no's and yes. "Rylee, stand up and tell us an interesting fact."

I slowly stand up, look around the class. My anxiety builds up at the many eyes staring at me.

"I-I play volleyball." I simply say softly, then quickly sit back down. I can feel my face burning red already. "That's all."

"That's not interesting because we already know that." Coach furrows his eyebrows and laughs. "I'm sure you have something way more interesting than that."

"It's kind of interesting because she's so quiet, but plays a sport where you have to shout and communicate." a guy, I've known since last year, speaks up. "I've never gone to any of her games, but that's something I'd like to see."

I scrunch my nose at his comment. Of course he laughs at my reaction because he's that type of guy who wants to see how I react to things. That's why I don't talk to him much because he could be annoying sometimes.

"Okay then," Coach says awkwardly looking at his watch. "We have about fifteen more minutes, so you guys can have free time."


"Ladies!" Coach shouts, making it echo throughout the gym. "Today we are going to stretch then scrimmage." he tells us. "That'll be our routine these couple weeks. Workouts in the morning then scrimmage during practice."

"Are you mixing up JV and Varsity or splitting it up?" Monique questions.

"Well first off, who are the team captains?"

I raise my hand along with Monique. "Rylee is the captain for the varsity team and I'm co-captain, but basically captain for JV because I tell them what to do." she explains.

"Is that true, Rylee?" Coach looks my way with a shocked expression. "The quietest of them all." he jokes. I nod, putting on my usual fake smile. "What? Speak up, Eversteen?"

"Yes," I say softly, tying my shoes.

"Louder than that." he teases. "How did you become the captain if you don't even have confidence?"

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