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The next morning came so quickly even though I was at the Evans' household late. I made it home before my dad even noticed I was gone. I shuffled down the school hallways to first period. Harry stood at his usual spot by the door, greeting everyone.

"You okay?" he asks as soon as I got to him.

"I'm fine. Why does everyone keep asking me?" I say, annoyed by the constant question. "I-I'm just tired."

"Yeah, I noticed during workouts." he nods, resting his hand on my shoulder. "But are we still on for tonight?"

I shake my head. "I honestly don't know. I just don't feel like dealing with whatever surprise you have planned."

I push past him getting into the classroom. I plop down in my usual seat, silently observing everyone in the class like I've always had. They crack jokes, making my mood light up a bit. Harry starts his lesson which I had barely paid any attention to. I just watch his movements and took in the way his accent escaped past those lips of his.

Eventually, I fall out of my little trans and try starting the work he gave me. I stare down at the different questions with numbers and letters. I look around to see other people working on the first problem easily. Harry asks for someone to do their work on the board and no one volunteers.

"Eversteen," he calls me and my eyes snap to him. He crosses his arms, leaning against his desk. "Come show your work." he smiles.

Everyone have their eyes on me and I shake my head. "I-I think I did it wrong. "I lie, glancing down at my blank paper.

"That's okay," he says, waving for me to come. "We can correct whatever you did wrong. That's how you learn."

I hesitantly stand up, making my way to the front. I grip the marker then rewrite the question. Harry was now sitting in his chair as he watched me.

"I-I'm sorry, I don't know what to do next." I tell him and the class laughs.

He chuckles, standing up from his chair then snakes his hand around my waist to move me to the side. He takes the marker from my hands, keeping his hand on my waist.

"Were you listening at all, Eversteen?" he asks, removing his hand before anyone would question it. "Listen this time because you're doing the next one for me."

Throughout class, he chooses students to go do a problem. I sat in the back and watched everything. Everything was so much more simple when I was this girl. The student who rarely has any attention on her. I'll be like this again except with a class full of people I don't know.

This is what I do for the day. I've been reminiscing the time I had with these people. I meet Monique in the halls before practice and give her a tight hug.

"Why are we hugging?" she laughs, keeping her arms wrapped around me.

"You won't forget about me, will you?"

"Of course not." she says, pulling away to look at me. "Why would you say that?"

"Long distance doesn't only ruin relationships, but friendships too." I tell her, sitting on the bench in the locker room. She sits next to me, rubbing my back about to speak. "Let's hangout tonight. We can have a sleepover and just talk about everything."

"Rylee, don't you have something to do later?"

"Yeah-" I pause and frown. "I-I never told you I did."

"What?" she chuckles nervously. "I'm pretty sure you did. You probably texted me last night about it and forgot you did."

"No, no because I wasn't on my phone all night. I was at Ms. Evans', remember? I don't use my phone at all when I'm over there."

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