Mates Are For Life

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*sigh* I'm depressed. I decided to update again today EVEN THOUGH I didn't get the ten votes :( -I'm not upset really, if I didn't get the votes, it didn't deserve the votes. It just means I have to work harder (: (thanks to whoever did vote) but not by my own will, I guilted myself into doing it. Arrrghhh, I couldn't last without writing more ! O.o

ANYways, figured now would be a good time to update, seeing as...well... I'm skipping school. *gasp* not really, its more of a self proclaimed snowday. You know, when your parent comes upstairs at 630 when you JUST finished getting ready and says 'I'm not driving you to school in this. Go back to sleep, you can stay home'. Awesome. :D

ANYWAYS! I guess I'll try again. 10 votes 3 comments? & Thanks to Ralphy94 for the 3 comments on the last chapter xD Much appreciated.

Oh, and I kinda stayed up really late last night doing the Math Review and Art Project that were due today that I didn't start until yesterdat because I was reading so much... so I currently have no eyesight. If there's a ton of mistakes, Im so sorrrryyyy ! Ohh. This was a long authors note.

Reaaad on ! (: (its short)


I don't think I have ever been so nervous in my entire life. No, really. You try having a 190 pound werewolf sit you down and stare at you for fifteen minutes. Seriously, I counted. It was going on fifteen minutes and thirty two seconds by my tally.

"Are you going to talk, or..." I trailed off, raising both eyebrows. Not just one, which would have given the desired affect, but two. It irritated me to no end that there was no was werewolf-y possible for me to learn to raise one eyebrow. You'd think that turning into a furry creature with a tail would allow me to do something so isignificant as this. But nope, of course not.

Luke continued to appraise my face, suddenly squinting at me, as though trying to intimidate some little speck on my face that no one else could see. Like, dude, what the heck?

"Luuukkkeeeeee," I sang, huffing in annoyance when he just continued to stare. What was his problem? "Are we going to talk, or are you just going to eye-rape my face for the rest of the day?" Oh my god. I cannot believe I just said that. I smacked a hand over my mouth in shock, staring at Luke with wide, shocked eyes. Did I really just say that?

Judging by the laughter on his face, yes.

I really just said that.

Well that's great.

"I was trying to figure out if you would run away once I told you," he admitted. At least he had the right mindset to look sheepish when I glared at him.

"I thought the whole reason you were going to tell me was so that I didn't," I snapped, folding my arms across my chest. "Now spill."

He stayed silent for a few more moments. By the time he finally opened his mouth, I thought I was going to kill him, werewolf or not.

"You might run though," he frowned.

"Luke, dude, I just turned into a big furry mutt with a long tail and four paws. And a snout. I don't think I'm going anywhere." Tail, paws and a snout. I could live with having a long furry projection out of my butt, and even really furry legs, which defeat the purpose of shaving them, but a snout. I had a snout. I was never going to let that on go. It was unnatural.

"Alright," he sighed, leaning back against the outcropping of rock. We were sitting just beneath the top of the hill, the first place he had taken me too, and were watching the sun rise over the horizon of the town. It was beautiful, watching as the first people, excuse me, lycans began to stir and moved outside with their children running at their heels. A few were already in wolf form, the sun hitting their coats, creating glints of shades of fur, that I wasn't sure were real. I could see this all with unnatural precision, which was another thing the whole 'shifting' thing had graced me with. I guess I could live with the snout if I had this eyesight. It helped with photography.

I Saved The Alpha. (Watty Awards 2012)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz