I'm Not Always the Hero.

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AN: I'll announce the cover winner with the epilogue! :)

Remember! Make me a cover or banner and send it in to meee! :)


It wasn't until I felt a soft mattress beneath my back, that I woke up. There was a heat source to my left, that was moving, and I assumed without opening my heavy eyes that it was Luke. At least, if Claire hadn't passed me off to some rogue; which would not be much fun.

I took a deep breath; the sterile smell of the air tickling my nose.


I wonder how many days I had been out.

There was no one else in the room, of that much I was sure. My eyes slid open hesitantly, and I found myself in the same room that Luke had been in when he was in the coma.

As I had guessed, Luke was lying peacefully to my left; his colour a shade lighter than I would deem healthy, but it was better than he had been.

My skin, on the other hand, was a ghastly pale colour, making my freckles stand out like little holes.

"Luke?" I whispered, and he let out a little moan, his eyes fluttering.

"Ally?" He groaned, shielding his eyes against the bright lights of the room. "Am I dead?"

"Not unless I am. And I'm pretty sure I dodged that bullet."

"Please tell me that was a figure of speech." He sighed heavily when I just stared at him. "Don't tell me, I don't want to know."

"I'm alive!" I offered weakly, leaning down against his warm, bare chest.

"Not that I don't want to cuddle with you for the rest of my life, but I don't think you'd appreciate being used as a toilet. And I really need to piss." I pouted up at him, pressing my pale hand to his tanned chest.

"Don't give me that look!" He whined, slowly untangling himself as he moved to slide from the white bed.

White, white, white. Everything was white.

Like snow.

Or... Clouds.

And marshmallows.

Oh God, I needed to get out of here. Soon.

"Wait!" I cried as he slid his feet to the ground. "What about the silver in your blood? Are you dying? Why are you alive?" I asked sternly. He chuckled.

"For some reason, it sounds as though you'd prefer me dead?"

My heart cracked at the thought.

"No!" I shouted, tackling his back. My joints were surprisingly stiff, and ached with the movement. I must have been in the bed longer than I had thought. He jolted forward, before he caught himself.

"Take it easy, would you Ally," he smiled, pulling me onto his lap. He nudged my head beneath his chin and held on tight. "I can move, I'm not dead, and we're home. I think it's pretty safe to assume that they took good care of me before they knocked me unconscious. I'm okay."

"Are you sure? I read that the only way they could be saved was by a healer and their mate's blood, but I don't remember helping and-"

"Allyson, breathe," he commanded, rubbing my back softly. His big hands instilled heat into my back and I calmed with each spark of electricity his touch brought with it. "You weren't that badly hurt, why do you think you were unconscious?"

"Oh," I stated dumbly, letting him place me back on the soft -once again, white- bed. He stood, and leaned down to press his lips softly against mine.

I Saved The Alpha. (Watty Awards 2012)Where stories live. Discover now