Never, Ever Again.

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Hey! Sorry, delay, no wifi, AGAIN. Dammmit. But I'm freakishly happy, and it's lame, but being a girl, I can't help it dudes. I mean, gahhh. :) I love it when I'm talking to the guy I like, and I never start the convos. Know what I mean? Nah, sorry, I'm rambling. X)

Anyways, TWO MORE CHAPTERS LEFT after this!


Well, I expected bullets, punches, kicks, maybe even the occasional spear, but I didn't exactly expect Luke-bombs..

I turned around just in time to see guy number 2. Then I watched in slight fear as he stalked towards me; the hackles on the back of my neck raising.

"Oh, I want to kill you," He sneered. "If you hadn't been claimed, I would have made you my mate though. I wanted to play around a bit; explore your insides, if you know what I mean." A shiver of disgust rolled along my spine."You're so sexy, it would be a waste to kill you right away. Maybe I can still have a little fun; I have handcuffs-"

I mentally cringed, knowing for a fact that if I showed my disgust, he'd take much more pleasure in his descriptions.


I wish I had hit him harder with a board. Maybe one with nails.

Oh god, bad mental picture.

I backed up a little more towards the entrance to the cell in which my pack was, swiping the key off of a little lopsided desk as I moved. I could only thank God that Michael was too distracted by his fantasies to really see what I was doing.


That's an even worse mental picture.

My hand slid the key up behind my back, and I grinned as I felt the cool metal slide into the lock. I was having a stroke of luck today.

"Oh no you don't," Michael sneered, reaching around me to grasp the key as he suddenly realized what I was up to.

I grinned, despite the sickening feeling of being in his arms.

"Too late." With a burst of energy, John snarled and dove for the unlocked door, sending it flinging open into Michael's face.

"Run," he ordered, helping Mary and the young boy up off the floor. He sent them flying towards the steps, and they continued out as he moved to stand protectively in front of me.

"The pack?" He hissed, watching as Michael righted himself once again. Half his face was a nasty black and blue colour already from the heavy iron door.

"Outside," I answered, slipping to stand at his side.

"And Claire?"

"Also outside. She's a tank on the battle field."

"You let her come?!" He cried, turning to face me, his back to Michael.

Big mistake. Michael lashed out at John, his face shifting as he lunged for his throat with big, pointy, very sharp teeth.

"JOHN!" I screamed, watching in horror as he turned to face the blow. I couldn't move.

Michael was inches away when he stopped, and pulled back quickly with a suspicious grin on his now human face.

"Lovely. This is just lovely." He spun around and sprinted up the staircase, leaving an ashen faced John, and I staring at him stupidly.

"Um, what just happened?"

And that's when Luke came flying down the stairs.



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