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"What do you mean she's gone?!" Rose's mother shouted through the phone, panic clear in her voice. I didn't know exactly what to say, but I had to tell her somehow.

"I don't know. I... I went upstairs for just a minute; one minute. I came back down and she was gone. I searched everywhere."

"Did you look outside?"

"Yes. I looked around the house and a little down the street."

"Harry, I want you to drive around and look for her. I want you to call her multiple times. Call her until she's annoyed and is forced to answer. I'm not coming home if she's just out for fresh air or to have some space for a few moments. You need to figure out where she is. I left you in charge, Harry." I listened to my small lecture, knowing what I had to do. This was my fault, and I knew I had to fix it. I knew that Rose would soon get upset with me for being overprotective and annoying, but it's what I had to do to keep her safe.

I ended the conversation with Stephanie very briefly, promising her that I would find Rose in no time. I hung up the phone, then quickly found Rose's number, which I had put in my contacts when I was first making plans with Stephanie to watch her daughter.

I called the number, then put my phone close up to my ear. I listened through several rings, only to receive no answer. I then called a second time, and Rose still refused to answer, so I left a voicemail.

I spoke softly into the phone, "Hey, please pick up. I'm really worried about you. Please don't make your mother have to come home. She's doing really well with her job. Rose... please? I will do anything for you, princess. Just let me know where you are. I'll be waiting." And with that, I hung up.

I took a seat on the couch, deciding to wait a few moments before calling again, hopeful that maybe she would call me back. After a few minutes with still no sign of her, I decided to call her once again.

I waited through many rings, sure that I wouldn't hear back from her anytime soon. But to my surprise, after moments of the sound that was starting to become dreadful, her beautiful little voice picked up.

"Please leave me alone." She said, but I just couldn't. I had to keep my promise. I had to take care of her and keep her safe.

"No. Not until you are back home." I replied.

"I don't want to come back." She refused. I heard shuffling on the other end of the phone, and I waited a moment before responding.


There was a short silence to follow.
"I've been trapped in that house my whole life. I want to be free."



"Where are you?" I asked.

"Not telling." She replied, a slight chuckle to follow.

"Tell me now." I demanded, hoping to set her off a bit so she would feel she desperately had to tell me.

"Please just leave me be."

"If you tell me now, you won't be punished at all for this when you come home, but if you continue to refuse, this won't end very well, princess." I spoke sternly into the phone, and hearing Rose's breath hitch on the other side let me know that I was doing things right.



"I'm at the café a couple streets down. I'll wait outside for you." She mumbled through the phone, relieving me from the build up of stress I had been experiencing.

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