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Nightmares. The only way my own mind could destroy a huge part of my life. They take your best experiences, and twist them, transform them into a living hell. They leave you in bed breathless, staring at the ceiling behind tired eyes as if something will change about it. You stare at the ceiling as if it could grow legs and walk away, and if you blink or look away, you'll miss it.

It was as if my nightmare was replaying several times in my head, like a broken record set on that one part of the song you just didn't want to hear more than once. The image was trapped inside the files of my imagination, and if I closed my eyes, my nightmares were the only thing I could see.


"Daddy." I groaned, attempting to pull away from him but his large hands gripped my waists, buckling me to the bed.

"Sh, it's okay." His finger tips slid into the band of my leggings, pulling them down my legs slowly just to tease me. A breeze hit my bare skin. I oddly coudln't feel it but I sensed it was there.

He removed my leggings from my feet, then tossed them onto the floor, his lust-filled eyes glaring straight into mine. He shuffled over me to straddle my waist, just as the bedroom door harshly opened.

Both of our heads shot towards the doorway, and my mother stood there. Her eyes glared at both us, dull and filled with anger, something that reminded me of the devil. Her hands were behind her back, and somehow I sensed something would go wrong.

I covered my bare chest with a blanket, as if that would make anything better. Harry slid off of me and stood from the bed, slowly inching his way toward the doorway where my mother stood. I knew something bad was going to happen.

I watched my mother's arm as it snaked back around from her back. Her muscles flexed as if she were holding something heavy. It was a gun.

"Mom, no!" I cried, but I was too late. A gun shot sounded, the loud explosion of the barrel being the only noise that filled the air.

There Harry lay, on the floor, a puddle of blood seeping around him from his chest.


I woke up with tears streaming down my face and I could barely breathe. I had looked to my side just to make sure Harry was still there, and of course there he lay, sound asleep. I was thankful to see him still beside me, but I was worried about the fact that my mother was in my dream. Maybe it was a sign.

I was so petrified from seeing my mother and Harry dead that I couldn't even think about what was happening at the beginning of the dream. I had dreamt about intimacy with Harry and I couldn't even be the slightest bit happy about it because it ended so terribly.

I sat up and sobbed into the blanket. Though I was crying uncontrollably, I still tried my hardest to stay quiet. For what seemed like an hour, I cried, though it was only minutes. I cried until I was calm. I didn't want to wake Harry but I needed him.

I wrapped my arm around his torso and shook him as if I were shaking the sleep out of him. His body was warm; so warm I just wanted to stop waking him and snuggle into his body heat.

"Daddy." I whispered, just as his eyes fluttered open. He shot up and his eyes widened. I could tell that he noticed exactly what was going on. He saw the tears. He saw that I had been crying.

"What's wrong?" He questioned me and his large hand cupped my face and his thumb swiped across my cheek, wiping the wetness that had previously been tears.

"I-I just had a bad dream." I whimpered, tears forcing their way out of my eyes at the image of Harry's dead body on the floor.

"Sh, baby. Don't worry. It's okay, I'm here now." He sat up and pulled me into his lap, cradling my trembling body. Somehow just being in his lap with my head rested against his chest made everything better.

He was my comfort, even when we had only known each other for not even a month. Though it seemed like I had known him for an eternity. If he could pull me in this deep after much less than a month, then how in the world will I be able to climb out of this mess once it's time to say goodbye? The end will be inevitable, but if there were any way to stop it from happening, I'd do anything in my favor to make it work.

I wanted Harry all to myself. I wanted to continue this little thing we had going and I wanted to spend my future with him. It wasn't that I didn't want to see my mother ever again, but I wished things could forever stay the way they were. If it were somehow normal for me to be in love with Harry, a man seven years older than myself, I would be the happiest girl in the world and there would be no actual reason for negativity. All of my problems would be solved. Just because of him.

"Do you want to talk about it, angel?" He asked me. I acted as if I were in thought although I knew the answer right away and it was only to shake my head. Harry sighed at the fact that I refused to talk about it, but he understood.

I cuddled into his chest and pulled a blanket over both of us. I wanted so badly just to close my eyes and fall asleep there in his arms but I couldn't. If I closed my eyes, the image would return. I tried to think positive thoughts and focus on the pleasurable feeling of Harry's body against mine, his body heat blending with mine, and the way it felt while he rubbed circles on my back, but my mind was flooded with just about every possible negative thought I could think of.

And of course once again, Harry's touch enticed me, and all I could think about was how amazing this one man could make me feel without even trying.

Sorry for yet another short little filler chapter but I promise something interesting will happen soon!
Thank you all for 90k reads by the way! I feel like I haven't said thank you enough but truly you guys amaze me everyday. Actually one of my favorite things is going through and reading your comments. (:
Q: What do you want to happen in future chapters?
A: Classified Information. (;
Answer! (:

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