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I walked back out of the bathroom with Rosie's hand in my own, and we made our way towards the living room. Louis and Luna were sitting on the couch together but as soon as we stepped foot into the room, Luna got up and made her way towards Rosie. She was so excited to see her and I admired it beyond imaginable.

Rose had finally gathered the courage to act as if nothing was wrong and she went off with Luna after giving me a quick kiss on the lips. I shoved my hands into my pockets and leant against the door frame, watching and admiring Rosie and Luna while they still had the chance to see each other. It was a beautiful image and I hated the fact that I had to see it come to an end eventually.

In all honesty, I didn't actually believe that Stephanie would allow me to continue keeping watch over Rosie. She wasn't the type to go out too much, even if I suggested it to her. And besides, all I was meant to be was a temporary babysitter. I wasn't supposed to get attached to Rose. If anything, she should have hated me from the start.

Though, I loved Rose more than I've ever loved any girl before. All of my past relationships were purely just for s.ex. I was excessively h.orny and all I wanted to do was f.uck hot girls. It was only a bonus if they wanted to call me daddy while my d.ick's inside them.

Now, I'm where my young self's brain would've never expected to be. Ages ago I would have never settled down. I would have never even thought about settling down. But now, I'm in an actual relationship with Rosie and I don't want to get out of it, not even for all of the money in the world. There are plenty of guys who would gladly take the money. I was one of them in the past.

My train of thought was cut off once Louis started walking up to me. I knew exactly what he wanted to talk about and I was glad to have someone to vent to.

"Rosie." I called out, earning her attention along with Luna's out of curiosity. "I'll be right back." I said to her. She nodded, then returned to doing whatever she was doing.

I followed behind Louis as he led me upstairs instead of into the kitchen. It was better to be as far away from the girls as possible so they wouldn't be able to hear our conversation.

Once we entered one of the rooms upstairs, which happened to be my old room back when I lived with Luna and Louis, Louis took a seat on the edge of the bed and I sat in a chair a good distance away from him.

"So." Louis said, igniting conversation. "What was wrong with Rosie? Why'd she show up crying?"

"Are you sure you want to know?" I asked him, knowing that he would get upset about the reason.

Louis was really proud of me once I told him I settled down and now that Rosie and I were being split apart, he would feel awful. He always wanted the best for me. I guess that's what friends are for.

Louis nodded, then spoke up for emphasis I guess, "F.uck. Just tell me, Harry."

"Well," I began, "Rosie's mother is coming back and I was supposed to just be her babysitter, as you know. I kind of got myself stuck in a situation here, falling in love with her when I wasn't one hundred percent sure when her mother would be back. So, we are being split up, to put it in the simplest way possible."

"F.uck." Louis stood up from the bed and paced around the room. I felt awful for telling him, but I couldn't just leave him in wonder.

"There's no way you could make it work?" Louis questioned me, stopping dead in his tracks and glaring at me with an eyebrow raised. I suddenly didn't want to discuss the situation anymore.

"No. I mean, I don't think so. I would sneak her out but her mother's very strict and I'm planning on offering to watch over her from time to time but her mother isn't the type of person to intentionally go out much." I explained to Louis, only to earn a sigh from him.

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