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Rose and I hung around the party for about an hour longer until we both grew quite bored. Rosie was bored to begin with, I'm sure, but as for me, after meeting up with everyone I intended on meeting up with, I came to the conclusion that there was nothing more to do. Well, I guess I could've gotten drunk but I didn't want to put Rose through that type of situation when she was too afraid to even step foot near alcohol.

Rosie had been quite a bit more irritated than I insisted she would be while we were leaving the party. She was tired and clingy and I could tell she would much rather have been spending the past hour or so at home with only me. I didn't blame her. She saw and learned a lot more than her mind could handle.

We made our way towards my vehicle, and instead of giving her the usual small boost to help her into her seat, I had to lift her up and place her gently into the seat, then assist her in fastening the seat belt. She sent me a small smile as I backed away from her and I closed her door.

I quickly walked around the front of the car and hopped into the driver's seat so we could start the drive home. It wasn't very long, however I didn't feel like driving. Much like Rosie, I just wanted to cuddle up in bed.

As I started driving, I watched Rose take her heels off out of the corner of my eye. "God, heels hurt." She groaned.

I stuck my hand out and motioned for her to set her feet on my lap. She hesitated, since I was driving, but she did it anyways. I gladly massaged her aching feet the whole way home, knowing it was the least I could do since I was the one who sort of made her go to the party.

Once we arrived home, I parked the car then got out so I could offer help to Rose. I rounded the vehicle just to find that she had gotten out on her own and was fishing for her heels from the floor.

"Go inside. I'll get them." I suggested as I grabbed her waist and pulled her aside. I fished my keys from my pocket and handed them over to her. With a smile on her face, she took the keys then walked off to the front door.

I quickly grabbed her heels from the floor of the vehicle, then shut the passenger door. I then made my way to the front door, where Rose was still fumbling with the house key by the time I was a few feet away. Fortunately she managed to figure it out just as I reached her and she pushed open the door after twisting the knob. I removed the keys for her.

As she made her way up to her room, I placed her heels on the shoe mat, slipped off my own, and hung my keys on a random hook by the door that Rosie's mother mentioned was previously for her keys. I then quickly caught up with Rose, who was walking sluggishly, halfway up the stairs.

I followed her to her room and from there we split apart. I plopped down onto her bed while she rummaged through her closet for pajamas. She pulled out another onsie, this time a giraffe, then carelessly decided on changing in front of me, though she remained facing away from me.

I watched as she pulled her dress over her head, revealing her absence of a bra and a cute lacy thong that I had no idea she had on.

"Babe?" I called out, my eyebrows furrowed as I kept my eyes glued to her arse, in that damn thong that would be the death of me.

She turned to face me, but held her dress over her bare b.reasts to hide them from me. It frustrated me in a way, since I'd already seen them and felt them and so much more, but I understood that she felt self conscious to be standing there, nude, with no true purpose.

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