Truth or Dare

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"Surprise!" All Jasmine's friends shouted as Lief led her inside The Forge. She stared at him, and he smiled and she wondered how she had been taken by surprise.

"Should we play a game or something?" Sonia asked.

"How about Truth or Dare?" Horace suggested with quite a mischievous grin. "So, we lose an article of clothing if we can't, won't do it," He confirmed. It was agreed so after the cake Sharn had made, which Equinom helped her decorate with vibrant colours and intricate patterns, they sat in the living room.

"Doom, play," Jasmine pleaded. "Please?" She added with a sad puppy dog face, he still refused.


"Yes you will," She muttered, she turned away. Sharn wasn't playing but she was definitely listening. "Barda, truth or dare?" Jasmine asked.


"I dare you to successfully make Doom join." Barda had a L-O-L face and ran after Doom who was already backing away. Most of the room was laughing, Jasmine held it in but couldn't prevent that smile. Barda had drawn his sword, so had Doom, then he sat in a gap in the circle so Barda would quit his accursed running. He shot a you're dead glare at Jasmine who finally succumbed to laughter.

"Done." Barda claimed.

"You think." Doom retorted.

"Doom! You have to play." Barda yelled back. "Truth or dare."


"When did you start liking Anna?" Jasmine leaned a little closer, a smirk reaching her lips, as well as Barda's.

"About a year after I met her," He answered quickly and in quite a serious tone.

"Jasmine, truth or dare?" He said quickly.

"Dare," She wanted to see what he got up his sleeves in dares.

"On Dragon's night, you are to wear a dress," Jasmine huffed, despite the nod of her head. Doom smiled, it was only a week away now.

"Will, truth or dare?"


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