Truth or Dare ~ 4

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"You didn't need to spread it that thick, Halt." Jasmine laughed, as her head rounded the corner of the door.

"I missed," Will shrugged as he got a lot of attention. "She is really good with her dodging... Truth or dare, Sonia."

"Truth." She felt someone had to.

"Who's your latest crush?"

"Will!" Alyss elbowed him.

"Wha-wha-" Sonia didn't know what to say.

"Remember you can remove an article of clothing," Alyss put in slyly.

"Alyss!" Will whined. Sonia stared at Will with mock triumph, and took her scarlet scarf off.

"Barda, truth or dare?"


"I heard Palace Guards are good fighters..."

"The best and the elite army in Deltora." Barda added.

"I also heard that Horace is a natural at swordsmanship," Barda and Horace nodded, both unsure where this was going but Jasmine and Lief figured it out and started chuckling to themselves. "I dare you to verse Horace in combat," She finally said it. Lief and Jasmine's chuckling became laughter that rang through the building.

"What's so funny?" Monique asked.

"Because..." Lief started.

"If Barda loses, we will torment him, for like... forever!" Jasmine managed to say between laughs, so did Lief. Doom shook his head in slight amusement, it would be funny he thought.

"It may also be a long day..." He muttered aloud.

"Doom, truth or dare?" Doom sighed. Was everyone picking on him?


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