Truth or Dare ~ 2

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"Where did you get Alyss' ring from?" Will licked his lips and apparently looking like he was racking his brain to remember.

"I asked my friend Henry Tims, he's a blacksmith,"

"And he works for the Ranger Corps too, I recall." Jasmine added.

"Horace, truth or dare?" Will asked, letting a bit more excitement then he wanted.

"Dare." He said with full confidence.

"I dare you to catch a wild animal." Horace's face lit up in shock, then he stood up with a sigh. When he got outside, Jasmine followed.

"He might need assistance, and I don't want anyone hurt." She had said. Lief knew she was more concerned for the animals out there.

"Jasmine! Can you help me?" Horace asked when he noticed her. Jasmine smiled an apology whilst shaking her head. His smile turned to a frown.

"I will advise." She said simply. His smile returned. Faintly. "We could get a rabbit... or-"

"How about something a little harder?"

"Bear cub?" Horace nodded vigorously.

"If we can." They walked, Jasmine tracked some bear paw-prints. But there was a problem. A cub and a mother. They crept to a large burrow, and saw a pair of gleaming eyes. And they were angry. Jasmine pulled out the berries she had collected, and held it out. The mother bear growled a warning.

"It's ok, you can come out," Jasmine crooned, the mother trusted her but saw danger... a man with a sword. "Horace, place your sword on the ground," Horace did so and the mother came out, with her cub. The cub nuzzled her hand as it ate the berries, when it was done, she patted and rub the bear cub's fur. "I think you can pick it up now... gently does it...carefully," Its mother growled again as Horace gently carried it and cradled it in his arms, it drifted to a comfy sleep in his arms. "It's ok, we'll bring her back," She rubbed the mother's head and she retreat back to her burrow, but still watched them. "We'll be back soon," Jasmine called into the cosy, dark hole.

"How long do you think it will take Horace?" Halt asked. Just then the door opened, and Horace strode in smiling as he held the bear cub. Jasmine followed, with his sword which he forgot about, and smiled also. Cassandra stood up and rubbed the soft, midnight fur of a sleepy baby cub.

"Aww, it's so cute!" She said, as if she was talking to a baby. "I wish we could keep it,"

"Matches too," Alyss said. Seeing many confused faces, Will continued.

"In Nihon-Ja, Horace became known as Kurokama, meaning Black Bear,"

"Lovely Chocho," Jasmine smirked. "I know she's cute, but I promised her mother we'd bring her back soon." Jasmine continued quite seriously. Will glared at Jasmine. Alyss giggled at Will's name.

"Am I missing something?" Doom asked.

"Kurokama, Black bear-"

"Why's he called that? He's like Barda too." Doom demanded. Jasmine laughed.

"Why haven't you met him yet? He'll eat every trace of food he can find! Cass is Kitsuné, which means fox. Alyss is a crane. Halt is... Halt." Jasmine smiled at the thought. "His name was much easier to say. And Will is a butterfly."

"I said 'I dare you to catch a wild animal', did you get it?" Will asked accusingly, obviously trying to change the subject. Jasmine nodded.

"All I did was bring her out of her burrow, and keep us safe from Mama Bear," Then the bear woke up and jumped out of Horace's arms. "And she is wild, Will," The cub started jumping about and Doom was shocked at the damage he had to repair. Jasmine brought out a few left-over berries and the bear instantly ceased its chaotic path of ultimate destruction and sniffed the air. It followed the scent until it reached Jasmine's hand and nuzzled her hand again. Jasmine scooped it up. "I will be back." Doom nodded vigourously.

"Please do." He muttered, glaring at Will who had been the root of the commotion, who laughed.

"Halt, truth or dare?" Horace asked when Jasmine returned.

"Truth." He knew Horace could come up with devilish dares.

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