1. The Beginning of an Ending

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Today is the day.. the first day of Warped Tour 2014. We weren't able to play in Warped 2013, so being back on the biggest tour of the year with all the biggest bands is pretty awesome. Mike had yanked me out of my bunk which resulted in me hitting the floor extremely hard (one day, he's gonna make me shatter my ass bone).. something he always did when I refused to get up in the mornings.. or  at any time of day actually. So I was sitting up front with the rest of the band, anxiously awaiting our arrival.  

"Is that it? I think I can see it from here", Jaime said which snapped me out of my thoughts. 

"Yep. That's where we're going fellas", our trusty bus driver, Curtis yelled back to us. 

A little smirk then appeared on my face. I got up from the booth in the kitchen and headed into the bunking area to change into my attire for the day. I had to look good. I would rather not admit it, but I had someone to impress and I wanted to be sure that I looked nice.

I felt the bus slow down until it was completely stopped. I heard the guys chattering up front excitedly, then the door opened, then the voices were gone. I'm glad I'm not the only one that's overly excited about today. I walked back to the front, inhaled deeply, opened the door and stepped off of the bus. I immediately saw band members from almost every band that we've ever toured with.. almost every band that we were friends with. 

Jenna McDougall from Tonight Alive came and threw her arms around my neck. "Viccckkky Poooo!", she yelled and then jumped up so that her legs were both around my waist and she was hugging me tightly. I was a pretty tiny fellow but my strength isn't so small. At this particular moment, I was glad that my arm muscles had been building up over the years. 

"Whoa! Jenny! Hey.. I missed you too", I said as I peeled her off of me and put her back on the ground. I heard people whistling and when I looked up, there were people giggling at the sight that hey had just seen. I began blushing and Jenna began laughing. 

"Vic, you're still the same adorable punk you were when I last saw you six months ago".

"Has it really been half a year?"

"It has. You guys are one of the biggest bands in our world now. I guess you guys don't really have time to hang with small time people like us anymore", she joked and I playfully hit her arm. Jenna has had this huge crush on me every since I could remember but there was nothing that I felt for her. She just wasn't.. my type. We said our 'see-ya-later's and I went on greeting my other old friends. 

Then, a voice that I knew all too well called my name. I turned to see none other than Kellin Quinn. "Bostwick!", I greeted him excitedly.

"I told you not to call me that, Fuentes", he said and then threw his arm around my shoulders. "I need to speak with you for a moment", he told me as he led me back towards my bus. The crowd began chanting 'Kellic! Kellic!' (the ship name that our fans gave us) and just to woo the crowd, Kellin grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. Everyone began clapping and cheering and screaming. It was all a game to them though. They were just being silly and having a good time. They just liked teasing us because of how close we are and because of how our fans love the pairing so much. 

Once we got in the bus and the doors were closed, we stood there and stared into each other's eyes for a moment. I was about to speak, but I wasn't given the opportunity. Kellin attacked my face with a kiss, pushing me back until he could push me down on the couch and get on top of me, putting a leg on each side of my small frame. "My god, I've missed you", Kellin took a moment to break the kiss and whisper to me. I pulled his shirt over his head. I had missed the touch of his chest so bad. 

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