3. Well That Was Unexpected

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I woke up to the sound of someone singing along to Mexican music. Of course it was Jaime in the kitchen making coffee and dramatically dancing along. I was on the couch. When I went to sleep last night, I was holding Kellin. He must have gotten up and left, hopefully before the others got back on the bus. I would hate for them to have seen us all snuggled up like that. I stood up and stretched.

"Morning sweet cheeks", Jaime greeted me.

 "G'morning", I said back and walked over and poured myself a cup of coffee.

"Why weren't you at the bonfire last night?", he asked as I added my creams and sugars in.

"I.. was really tired. I just wanted to lay down and watch a movie", I said.

He nodded his head. "Great that you have energy today since we play our first show", he said with a smile. 

I smiled back. "Yeah. I'm way excited. Are the other guys not up yet?", I asked.

"Nah. I tried but nobody listens to the awesome spiky haired guy", he complained.

I walked towards the back to wake up the boys. "And cut off the damn salsa music", I said although I hit the stop button myself as I walked past the radio.

"Don't you dare disrespect our culture!", he shouted behind me and I simply shook my head. He was such and imbecile. 

It took ten minutes, but I did manage to wake Tony and Mike. Our first show was in an hour and we needed to do sound check. I headed out the door to go help our techs set up while shooting Kellin a quick text.

Me: Coming 2 see us play in a hour?

Kel: I wouldn't miss it 4 the world <3

Me: Luv ya. See ya soon :)

Kel: Luv u 2 xox


"She's mine!! You stay away from her, it's not her time! Cause baby, I'm the one who haunts her dreams at nightttt.. until she's satisfied. Make me a promise here tonight...", I sang/screamed into the microphone. I put my best into each song that we had done so far. Kellin was watching side stage. I wanted to impress him. Once the song was over, there was one more song left to do.

"Okay guys, this is the final song of today's show", I said to the crowd and the King for a Day music began playing whilst the crowd went wild. "And I'd like to invite my boy Kellin out to help us through it", I said and motioned for my boyfriend to come out on stage with us. He hesitantly did with his famous shy smile plastered across his face. Of course we had performed this song together countless times but I hadn't asked him to do it today so I'm pretty sure that he was unprepared. Casey, Mike's drum tech, ran out and quickly gave Kel a mic and then it was time to rock. 

"Dare me to jump off of this jersey bridge!"

"I bet you've never had a Friday night like this!"

"Keep it up, keep it up. Let's raise our hands!"

"I take a look up in the sky and I see red!"

"Red for the cancer. Red for the wealthy. Red for the drink that's mixed with suicide!"

"Everything red!", we screamed together. My god, was his voice beautiful.. just like the rest of him was. 


"I wasn't prepared for that, Fuentes, and you know it", Kellin smiled as he fussed at me after the show. "I hadn't even warmed my voice up yet".

"Well I'm sorry. But you were amazing nonetheless, Bostwick. Thanks", I said and winked at him without thinking. 

 "Whoa! Someone's super appreciative of their best friend", Jaime saw the wink and pointed out.

"Umm.. yeah. That's my boo", Kellin said to avoid an awkward moment and gave me a kiss on the cheek. People were used to us 'pretending' to be gay so the kiss wasn't a really big deal, just something for them to laugh at.. that is, until I began blushing. 

"Oooo.. red cheeks! Is there anything you two want to tell us?", Mike joked.

Kellin kept trying to play it off and grabbed my hands, intertwining our fingers. "Yes, Vic and I are boyfriends and we're in love. We have been ever since the making of King for a Day", he basically told our biggest secret to my band although they thought he was joking, which was probably his intention. 

"Well the fans have definitely been waiting for Kellic to happen since forever so I'm sure they'd be overjoyed", Mike laughed.

"Yeah. I'm sure", I said nervously as I squeezed Kellin's hand.


"Andy invited me to come chill with him so I'm gonna go do that for a while, if that's okay", Kellin told me. 

I really wanted to be selfish and say 'no, stay here with me', but I didn't. "Sure. Have fun but don't forget about me", I told him.

"Thanks and I won't", he said before leaning in for a quick kiss and pecking my lips. "See ya later".

I waved and watched him walk away. I guess I'd go visit Oli. He did reveal his biggest secret to me last night and said that he didn't feel comfortable with anybody but me so I'd better be a decent friend and check on him. I headed towards BMTH's bus and knocked on the door. Matt Kean answered. 

"Sup Matt?", I asked.

"Vic, hi".

"Would Oli happen to be on the bus?", I asked.

He shook his head. "He's been at that big tree near the back of the parking lot all day. I don't know what's bugging him and there's probably no use in trying to talk to him. He won't say a word", he warned me.

 "Well thanks for the heads up", I told him and he nodded. I headed for the big tree and Oli didn't notice my approach until I was actually standing beside him. "Hi", I greeted him.

He gave me a fake smile. "Hey".

"So that problem's still bothering you?", I asked. He nodded. "You know, there's really nothing wrong with being gay", I tried persuading him again.

"How would you know? You're just telling me that so I'd feel better", he said as he kicked a rock. 

"No.. I know", I said hesitantly.

"How?", he asked, still kicking rocks.

"Cause.. I'm gay too", I admitted. 

He finally looked up from his rocks. "What? You're lying", he said.

"I'm not. I swear", I promised him but that obviously wasn't enough.

"Prove it", he said.

I shrugged. "How would I?", I asked.

He put one of his hands at the back of my head and pushed his lips into mine. My eyes widened in realization of what was happening. I didn't dare push him away though. I couldn't. He was torn enough. I didn't want to make him feel rejected too. That would only make the situation worse on his end, so I just waited until he was finished and pulled away. I was still frozen from shock. 

"Wow", he said as he looked down with a grin on his face. "Wow".

(A/N: Okay I updated! Tell me what you think of chapter 3! Was that unsuspected or did ya kind of see that coming? Am I moving too fast because  I kinda feel that I am. Gimme feedback? Please and thanks. Oh and vote! *winks* Byyyeee! xoxoxox)

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