4. Blame It On the Alcohol

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"Prove it", he said.

I shrugged. "How would I?", I asked.

He put one of his hands at the back of my head and pushed his lips into mine. My eyes widened in realization of what was happening. I didn't dare push him away though. I couldn't. He was torn enough. I didn't want to make him feel rejected too. That would only make the situation worse on his end, so I just waited until he was finished and pulled away. I was still frozen from shock. 

"Wow", he said as he looked down with a grin on his face. "Wow".

He rubbed the back of his neck and so did I. "I'm.. I'm sorry. I just.. I don't know what came over me. I've always had this weird vibe that you were gay too but I was never really sure. That's probably why I feel so comfortable and normal around you", he admitted.

"Well.. that's umm.. cool I guess. And no need to apologize. It's okay", I said and then mentally face palmed myself. Why would I tell him that it's okay? That would only make him think that kissing me at random times would be perfectly fine and that's NOT okay at all. 

"Thanks, mate. I guess that I could finally come to terms with this being gay thing after all if you can handle it. How did you tell everyone and your band?", he asked.

"I haven't told my band or anyone else other than you and one more person", I told him

"Oh", was his response. "Who's the other person?"

"Kellin", I stated plainly, hoping that he wouldn't ask for an explanation although he did.

"Why Kellin?"

I shrugged. "He's my best friend", I said. That wasn't a lie. Kellin was actually obviously my best friend.. it just wasn't the whole truth. I didn't wanna open up to him about Kellin right now. Did I want another person to know that much of my business? I mean, he already knew that I was gay and wasn't that enough? And how would he react to it? I don't know if Oli kissed me in attempts to figure something out in his own mind or if he had greater intentions but either way, Kellin had to remain a secret.. at least for now.

"If I tell you another secret, will you promise to keep it?", he asked. I chuckled. That question sounded oddly similar to his song Chelsea Smile where he says 'I've got a secret. It's at the tip of my tongue, it's on the back of my lungs and I'm gonna keep it...'

"Yeah. Of course", I said hesitantly. What else was he hiding inside?

"Josh from YMAS? Well.. he's.. he's gay too. Well, I dunno if he's totally gay or if he's bi but he has this thing for me. I mean, he used to be my best friend but everything changed once he told me about how strong his feelings were for me", he said and paused. "I had feelings for him briefly but they quickly went away", he added.

"Why did they?", I asked.

"Because feelings for someone else surfaced", he said and looked up at me once again. I didn't really know what to say but I got this strange feeling that I probably shouldn't ask. Besides, if he wanted me to know, he'd tell me just like he told me these other two secrets.

"Well that's not so bad, is it?", I asked instead although immediately after I said it, I kinda regretted it.

"Yeah because I don't know if he has the same feelings for me. I'm sure he doesn't actually and I don't want to tell him because he's my good friend too and I don't want the same thing to happen to me and him that happened with Josh and I. I don't want to risk our friendship", he said seeming sad.

I put one of my hands on his shoulder. "Oli, things will work out for the best. You just have to trust that it will and give it time. Just sit back and watch things play out. Everything will work out for the best in the end. And this guy.. he'd be a fool not to want someone as amazing as you", he concluded.

He chuckled to himself. "You really think so?"

"I know so", I smiled.



Andy and I sat in a circle at the back of Black Veil Bride's tour bus with bottles of Jameson and Jack Daniels being passed around. There were about 5 or 6 other girls with us and we used one of the empty bottles to play Spin the Bottle. We were all totally buzzed or totally drunk off our asses so that made the game much more entertaining. I had already made out with 3 of the girls in the group. It was so funny to watch the girls have to kiss each other and attack each others' faces.. tongues sloppily colliding with other tongues.

This was pure amusement. That is.. until Andy spun the bottle and it just so happened to land on me. The girls thought it was cute and kept chanting 'kiss! kiss! kiss!'. I stopped smiling and shook my head nervously. Andy smiled wider and crawled over to me where he held both sides of my face with his hands and kissed me. I just closed my eyes and waited for it to be over until he shoved his tongue down my throat. Still, I didn't push away. We were just having fun, right? Didn't 'rockstars' usually party crazily like this? I didn't want to ruin the mood for anyone so I just accepted it. 

He finally pulled back and gave me the biggest ear to ear grin that I've ever seen, so I smiled back nervously at him. I wouldn't make this a big deal.. as long as Vic didn't find out. And if he did, I'd just blame it on the alcohol.

(A/N: I'm soooo sick guys! I dunno what's wrong but it isn't fun! Here's another chapter for you guys though.. Wish for me to get better soon please. Comment, vote, and fan if you already haven't, mkay? *winks* Byyyyeeee!)

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